The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

“Will you trot a little quicker?”

Source: sent to Edith Argles for her sister Dolly, April 29, 1868 (several errors corrected to obtain a consistent version)

Encrypted with the Telegraph-Cipher with key-word “fox”

“Jgmu qjl vgrv x ugemdt pupdeto?” wxxl x Ugmh vj f Jji.
“Ge’n ijsk tukcbb qfds fb qrug, eq xud eyk cxdmfit ddjdef:
Fbu cgkskg-mglb gf mstutt, had vbjj, okc Ljudz jgmu nt jxjmh,
Pa st’ok krv eykgb vj dogoq grukc vqb zmfvtn as tuemak-exjmh.”
Wrs-brs, brs-brs, wrs-brs, brs-brs: “Vrct fdjsi!” ffgu, Ugmh.
Njj-sjj, sjj-sjj, njj-sjj, sjj-sjj; Jji wxxl “Urb’e ek fxdmh.”

“Ljs’v efdn ma lb as zapsi hlgvv,” wxxl Srr, “zru qrsmxbr Yadsl!
Lh jtbv xok urbt jgey zxmkkm imlk, eyoe nvpdef mhtt vj mht zxjlbu.
Xv pn cz rsk xbcbbexak—na Urdmh btblk’m wvrdu:
Nht dok’m gkkkkm o ifvtsv ruut mhxm’w brxey gen stxiqm gk zamc!”
Njj-sjj, sjj-sjj, njj-sjj, sjj-sjj: “G urb’e dogb jjo Ljudz!”
Eab-jab, jab-jab, eab-jab, jab-jab: Umgh wxxl “Eyoe’n jjudz.”

In plain English:

“Will you trot a little quicker?” said a Lily to a Fox.
“It’s gone eleven half an hour, by all the village clocks:
And dinner-time is twelve, you know, and Dolly will be wroth.
If we’re not there to carry round the plates of mutton-broth.”
Bow-wow, wow-wow, bow-wow, wow-wow: “Come along!” said Lily.
Bow-wow, wow-wow, bow-wow, wow-wow: Fox said “Don’t be silly.”

“Don’t talk to me of going quick,” said Fox, “you howling Hound!
My feet are done with patent glue, that sticks them to the ground.
It is my own invention—so Dolly needn’t scold:
She can’t invent a patent glue that’s worth its weight in gold!”
Bow-wow, wow-wow, bow-wow, wow-wow: “I don’t care for Dolly!”
Bow-wow, wow-wow, bow-wow, wow-wow; Lily said “That’s folly.”