The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

The Telegraph-Cipher

Source: printed 1868

Directions for Use

Cut this card in two along the line.

In order to send messages in this cipher, a key-word (or sentence) must be agreed on between the correspondents: this should be carried in the memory only.

To translate a message into cipher, write the key-word, letter for letter, over the message, repeating it as often as may be necessary: slide the message-alphabet along under the other, so as to bring the first letter of the message under the first letter of the key-word, and copy the letter that stands over ‘a’: then do the same with the second letter of the message and second letter of the key-word, and so on.

Translate the cipher back into English by the same process. [T. O.

For example, if the key-word be ‘war,’ and the message ‘meet me at six,’ we write it thus:—

{ warw ar wa rwa}
meet me at six
kwnd on wh zod

The cipher sent, ‘kwndonwhzod,’ may be re-translated by the same process.
