The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Formulæ in Algebra

Source: printed 1868?

Other versions: Algebraical Formulæ, Algebraical Formulæ and Rules

=an+n.an1b+&c., where the index of a continually decreases by unity, and that of b increases, and where the coefficient of each term is formed from the preceding by the rule “Multiply together the coefficient and the index of a and divide by the place of the term.”
=ann.an1b+&c., where each term is formed as in the former case, and the signs are alternately + and −.
Resolution into rational factors.
(1) a2+b2cannot be resolved.
(2) a2b2=(a+b).(ab).
If n be an odd prime,
(3) an+bn=(a+b).(an1an2b+).
(4) anbn=(ab).(an1+an2b+).
If T be a power of 2,
(5) aT+bTcannot be resolved.
(6) aTbTcan be resolved by form (2).
If N contain odd prime factors only,
(7) aN+bN(3).
(8) aNbN(4).
If M be even and contain an odd prime factor,
(9) aM+bM(3).
(10) aMbM(2) or (4).
If x, y be commensurable,
(11) ax+by }can be put into one of the first four forms,
(12) axbyaccording to the nature of the G. C. M.
Rationalising binomial surds.
If r be odd,
(1) ar+br is submultiple ofa+b
(2) arbr is ab
If s be even,
(3) as+bs is submultiple ofab
(4) asbs is
Quadratic equation (one Variable).
If x2px+q=0,
the values of the coefficients, in terms of the roots, arep= sum of roots
q= product of roots.
If Ax2+Bx+C=0,
the roots arex=B±B24AC2A.
and the test for
(1) roots equal with opposite signsB=0.
(2) roots realB24AC0.
(3) imaginary <0.
(4) identical =0.
(5) rational 0, and is a square.
Simultaneous Equations (two Variables).
If A1x+B1y+C1=0,
If A2x+B2y+C2=0,
the roots arex|B1,C1B2,C2|=y|A1,C1A2,C2|
and test for Equations being
(1) consistent|A1B1A2B2|0.
(2) inconsistent|A1B1A2B2|=0, and either
|A1C1A2C2| or |B1C1B2C2|0.
(3) identicalA1B1C1A2B2C2=0.
Summation of Series.
If a= first term,
If b= common difference,
If n= number of terms,
If l= last term,
If S= sum;
the formula connecting
(1) a, b, n, SS=(2a+n1¯.b).n2.
(2) a, l, SS=(a+l).n2.
If a= first term,
If r= common ratio,
If n= number of terms,
If S= sum;
the formula connecting
(1) a, r, n, SS=a.rn1r1.
(2) a, r, S (where n is infiniteS=a1r.
Arithmetical Mean, &c.
If α, β, be two terms having one between them,
(1) the Arithmetical Meanα+β2.
(2) the Geometrical Meanαβ.
(3) the Harmonical Mean2αβα+β.
Binomial Theorem.
the sum of the coefficients=2n.
Permutations and Combinations.
Permutation of n things
(1) taken r togethern.(n1)(nr+1).
(2) taken all togethern.
Combinations of n things taken r togethern.(n1)(nr+1)r.
Permutations of n things taken all together, when there are p of one kind, q of another kind, &
Total number of combinations of n things=2n1.
Interest, Discount, &c.
If P= Principal,
If r= interest of £1 for 1 year,
If n= number of years,
If I= total interest,
If M= amount,
If D= discount,
If A= annuity,
Simple interest:
formula connecting P, r, n, II=Pnr.
P, r, n, MM=P+Pnr.
M, r, n, DD=Mnr1+nr.
Compound interest:
formula connecting P, r, n, MM=P(1+r)n.
Terminable annuities:
formula connecting A, r, n, MM=A.(1+r)n1r.
A, r, n, VV=A.(1+r)n1r.(1+r)n.
Perpetual annuity:
formula connecting A, r, VV=Ar.
Deferred terminable annuity:
If d= number of years for which it is deferred,
If n= number of years for which it is to continue,
formula connecting A, r, d, n, VV=A.(1+r)n1r.(1+r)d+n.
Deferred perpetual annuity:
formula connecting A, r, d, VV=A.1r.(1+r)d.
If a, b, &c., = the bases used
M, N, &c., = any numbers,
(1) log1=0.
(2) loga=1.
(3) logaM×N×&c.logaM+logaN+&c.
(4) logaMN=logaMlogaN.
(5) logaMxx.logaM.
(6) logbM (in terms of logs to base a)logaMlogab.
Exponential and Logarithmic Series.
e (the Napierian base)=1+1+12+13+ ad infin.
= 2.7182, &c.
ax (in a series of ascending powers of x)=1+(logea).x+(logea)22.x2+
hence ex=1+x+x22+
1loge10=.43429, &c.