The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Algebraical Formulæ

Source: printed 1868

Other versions: Formulæ in Algebra, Algebraical Formulæ and Rules

for the Use of Candidates for Responsions

Meaning of indices ax=a×a×a×&c. (x factors).
Multiplication ax×ay=ax+y.
Division ax÷ay=axy.
hence a0=1.
Involution (single term) (ax)y=axy.
Evolution axy=ax/y.
Involution (two terms)
(1) (a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2.
(2) (ab)2=a22ab+b2.
(3) (a+b)3=a3+3a2b+3ab2+b3.
(4) (ab)3=a33a2b+3ab2b3.
(5) (a+b)n
=an+nan1b+&c., where the index of a continually decreases by unity, while that of b increases, and where the coefficient of each term is formed from the preceding by the rule “Multiply together the coefficient and the index of a and divide by the place of the term.”
(6) (ab)n
=annan1b+&c., where each term is formed as in the last case, and the signs are alternately + and −.
Resolution into factors
(1) a2+b2has no factors.
(2) a2b2=(a+b).(ab).
(3) a3+b3=(a+b).(a2ab+b2).
(3) a5+b5=(a+b).(a4a3b+a2b2ab3+b4).
and generally, if n be an odd prime,
(3) an+bn
=(a+b).(an1an2b+), where the index of a continually decreases by unity, while that of b increases, and the signs are alternately + and −.
(4) a3b3=(ab).(a2+ab+b2).
(4) a5b5=(ab).(a4+a3b+a2b2+ab3+b4).
and generally, if n be an odd prime,
(4) anbn
=(ab).(an1+an2b+), where the indices are as in the former case, and the signs are all +.
If T be a power of 2,
(5) aT+bTcannot be resolved.
(6) aTbTcan be resolved by form (2).
If N contain odd prime factors only,
(7) aN+bNcan be resolved by form (3).
(8) aNbN(4).
If M be even and contain an odd prime factor,
(9) aM+bMcan be resolved by form (3).
(10) aMbM(2) or (4).
If x, y be commensurable,
(11) ax+by }can be put into one of the first four forms,
(12) axbyaccording to the nature of the G. C. M.