
This is an overview over all my code, published on GitHub and elsewhere.

Please note that my GitHub repositories are managed similar to what is described in xkcd comic 1597. Or even worse: I do not have the git repositories on my local machine. To update code on GitHub I clone the repository in /tmp, update the files, push the changes to GitHub and then discard the local repository again.

Apps for Firefox OS

Most of my apps for Firefox are listed in the list of apps, except for stundenbuch, which is omitted there, because it requires a password for access. Most of these apps should also work in any browser.

There are some additional repositories:


Until now I participated eight times in the js13kGames competition: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.


The code of my Wikipedia user scripts isn’t published on GitHub, but on Wikipedia.

Other code


While I’m not really a fan of software libraries, I do write code in a way to make re-use easy when I think this useful. So the following files can be used as libraries elsewhere. In some cases a few adaptions to your situation may be necessary, but should be easy.

Especially for the js13k-Games competition the following might be interesting:

For other projects the following files may be interesting:

Some libraries are actually libraries outside of other projects: