The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Suggestions for Committee

Source: printed 1871

Appointed to Consider the Expediency of Reconstititing Senior Studentships at Christ Church, March, 1871

I. That the titles of “Student” and “Scholar” be substituted for those of “Senior Student” and “Junior Student.”

II. That there be Praelectorships in subjects of Academical Study other than Natural Science, and that the mode of election and conditions of tenure for the Praelectors be the same as those which are statutory for the Lee’s Readers in Natural Science.

III. That Studentships of two classes be given, viz.: either for educational purposes, or to promote the interests of learning; but that none be given as sinecures.

IV. That those of the former class be given, after examination and full inquiry into merits and character, to persons who shall profess themselves ready to serve as Tutors, Praelectors, or Lecturers; and that no others be given excepting when the wants of the House, with respect to education and discipline, are, for the time being, fully satisfied.

V. That those of the latter class be given, after examination and full inquiry into merits and character, to persons who shall profess their intention of devoting themselves to study, whether preparatory to professional life, or such as will promote the interests of learning.

VI. That with regard to Students of the former class,

1. They be required to undertake such duties as may be assigned them, whether as Tutors, Praelectors, or Lecturers.

2. Those who are acting as Tutors shall be required to reside within the walls, and shall be responsible for their Pupils and for the maintenance of discipline generally, two at least of their body being elected annually as Censors.

3. Praelectors may also serve as Tutors, provided that they reside inside the walls.

4. Their appointment to Tutorships or Lectureships take effect for periods of six years only, but be renewable at the expiration of any such period.

5. On retirement after twelve years service as Tutors or Lecturers, they be entitled to retain their Studentships, but without any emoluments (or, with the emoluments to the amount of £100 a year); and that after eighteen years service, they may be entitled to the emoluments to the amount of £200 a year.

6. Those who shall have retired after at least eighteen years of service, as above mentioned, be allowed to marry without forfeiting the emoluments to which they would otherwise be entitled; but that, if they be instituted to an Ecclesiastical Benefice, or become possesed of property exceeding £500 a year (as defined in the existing Ordinance) they forfeit all further claim to emoluments.

7. Those who, not having so served for eighteen years, shall marry, or be instituted to such Benefice, or become possesed of such property (as aforesaid) shall forfeit their Studentships.

VII. That, with regard to Students of the latter class, who are preparing for professional life,

1. They be required to reside in Oxford for at least two years, and to engage in studies preparatory to such profession, and to proceed to Degrees in their respective Faculties (B.D., B.C.L., B.M., &c.)

2. Their election take effect for a period of three years only, but be renewable at its expiration for one other such period, if it shall appear to the Governing Body that they have pursued their studies in a satisfactory manner.

3. If they be instituted to an Ecclesiastical Benefice, or become possesed of property exceeding £500 a year, they shall forfeit their Studentships.

VIII. That, with regard to Students of the latter class, who are not preparing for professional life,

1. Their election take effect for periods of six years only, but be renewable at the expiration of any such period, if it shall appear to the Governing Body that they have pursued their studies in such a manner as to promote the interests of learning.

2. If re-elected after eighteen years of tenure, their election shall be either for life or for a term of years at the discretion of the Governing Body.

IX. That all Students continue to be members of the Governing Body so long as they are members of the Congragation of the University.

C. L. D.