The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

An Index to “In Memoriam”

Source: An Index to “In Memoriam”

The principle adopted in this Index is that of referring to each clause under the heading of the most important noun contained in it. Where a clause contains two or more nouns of equal importance, it is referred to under each; and where it contains no nouns, recourse is had to the most important word in it, preference being given to verbs.

The references have been made to sonnets and stanzas rather than to pages and lines, in order that the Index may be equally applicable to different editions of the Poem.

This Index was originally begun for the use of the Compilers, who had found that, in so long a poem, it was difficult to refer readily to passages of which fragments only were remembered. It is now published, with the Poet’s kind permission, in the hope that it may prove of like service to others.