The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Yn the Auckland Castell cellar

Source: The Legend of “Scotland” (extracted)

Parody on Long long ago by Thomas H. Bayly

Yn the Auckland Castell cellar,
Long, long ago,
I was shut—a brisk young feller—
Woe, woe, ah woe!
To take her at full-lengthe
I never hadde the strengthe
Tempore (and soe I tell her)

She was hard—oh, she was cruel—
Long, long ago,
Starved mee here—not even gruel—
No, believe mee, no!—
Frae Scotland could I flee,
I’d gie my last bawbee,—
Arrah, bhoys, fair play’s a jhewel,
Lave me, darlints, goe!