The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

To my Child-Friend

Source: The Game of Logic (dedication); also printed separately 1888 (with different capitalization)

I charm in vain; for never again,
All keenly as my glance I bend,
Will Memory, goddess coy,
Embody for my joy
Departed days, nor let me gaze
On thee, my Fairy Friend!

Yet could thy face, in mystic grace,
A moment smile on me, ’twould send
Far-darting rays of light
From Heaven athwart the night,
By which to read in very deed
Thy spirit, sweetest Friend!

So may the stream of Life’s long dream
Flow gently onward to its end,
With many a floweret gay,
Adown its willowy way:
May no sigh vex, no care perplex,
My loving little Friend!