The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Ting, Ting, Ting

Source: Bruno’s Revenge (extracted, connected, with different spelling and punctuation); Sylvie and Bruno (extracted, connected)

Rise, oh, rise! The daylight dies:
The owls are hooting, ting, ting, ting!
Wake, oh, wake! Beside the lake
The elves are fluting, ting, ting, ting!
Welcoming our Fairy King,
We sing, sing, sing.

Hear, oh, hear! From far and near
The music stealing, ting, ting, ting!
Fairy bells adown the dells
Are merrily pealing, ting, ting, ting!
Welcoming our Fairy King,
We ring, ring, ring.

See, oh, see! On every tree
What lamps are shining, ting, ting, ting!
They are eyes of fiery flies
To light our dining, ting, ting, ting!
Welcoming our Fairy King
They swing, swing, swing.

Haste, oh haste, to take and taste
The dainties waiting, ting, ting, ting!
Honey-dew is stored——