The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Prologue (1873)

Source: Prologue to a private theatrical by Miss Hatch and her brother, 1873

[Enter Beatrice, leading Wilfred. She leaves him to centre (front), & after going round on tip-toe to make sure they are not overheard returns & takes his arm.]

B. “Wiffie! I’m sure that something is the matter!
All day there’s been—oh such a fuss and clatter!
Mamma’s been trying on a funny dress—
I never saw the house in such a mess!
(puts her arm round his neck)
Is there a secret, Wiffie?”

W. (Shaking her off) “Yes, of course!”

B. “And you won’t tell it? (whispers) Then you’re very cross!
(turns away from, & clasps her hands, looking up ecstatically)
I’m sure of this! It’s something quite uncommon!”

W. (stretching up his arms with a mock-heroic air)
“Oh, Curiosity! Thy name is Woman!
(puts his arm round her coaxingly)
Well, Birdie, then I’ll tell! (mysteriously) What should you say
If they were going to act—a little play?”

B. (jumping and clapping her hands)
“I’d say ‘How nice!’”

W. (pointing to audience)
“But will it please the rest?”

B. “Oh yes! Because, you know, they’ll do their best!
[turns to audience]
“You’ll praise them, won’t you, when you’ve seen the play?
Just say ‘How nice!’ before you go away!”
[they run away hand in hand].

Feb 14. 1873.