The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

If thou wouldst view the Belfry aright

Source: The New Belfry (extracted)

Parody on The Lay of the Last Minstrel by Walter Scott

If thou wouldst view the Belfry aright,
Go visit it at the mirk midnight—
For the least hint of open day
Scares the beholder quite away.
When wall and window are black as pitch.
And there’s no deciding which is which;
When the dark Hall’s uncertain roof
In horror seems to stand aloof;
When corner and corner, alternately
Is wrought to an odious symmetry;
When distant Thames is heard to sigh
And shudder as he hurries by;
Then go, if it be worth the while.
Then view the Belfry’s monstrous pile.
And, home returning, soothly swear
“’Tis more than Job himself could bear!”