The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Dreams, that elude the Waker’s frenzied grasp

Source: Sylvie and Bruno Concluded (dedication)

Even though many if not most of the reprints have “Maker”, “Waker” is correct.

Dreams, that elude the Waker’s frenzied grasp—
Hands, stark and still, on a dead Mother’s breast,
Which nevermore shall render clasp for clasp,
Or deftly soothe a weeping Child to rest—
In suchlike forms me listeth to portray
My Tale, here ended. Thou delicious Fay—
The guardian of a Sprite that lives to tease thee—
Loving in earnest, chiding but in play
The merry mocking Bruno! Who, that sees thee,
Can fail to love thee, Darling, even as I?—
My sweetest Sylvie, we must say ‘Good-bye!’