The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

A Visitor

Source: Useful and Instructive Poetry

Well, if you must know all the facts, I was merely reading a pamphlet
When what should I hear at the door but a knock as soft as a Zephyr.
I listened and heard it again, so, as loud as I possibly could call,
I shouted “Don’t stand waiting there, come in, let me know who you are, sir!”
Mild he entered the room, with his hat in his hand and his gloves off,
And a meek gentle bow he performed, while my anger was rapidly rising,
“Who are you?” I angrily cried, and with hand on his heart as he bowed low,
In the gentlest of termes he replied, “Your servant, Sir Pokurranshuvvle.”
Didn’t I just ring the bell, “Here, Tom, Dick, George, Andrew!” I bawled out,
“Come here! show this stranger the door!” My summons they heard and they did it:
Soon to the door was he guided; once more he turned to me and bowed low,
And so, with his hand on his heart, with all possible meekness departed.