The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Pillow-Problems (Curiosa Mathematica. Part II)

Source: Pillow-Problems, fourth edition

Contents: Preface to Fourth Edition • Preface to Second Edition • Introduction • Subjects Classified • Chapter I. • Chapter II. • Chapter III.

Thought Out during Wakeful Hours

Preface to Fourth Edition

I take this opportunity of explaining why it is that (as stated in the Note to p. xix) I have used the symbols and to represent the words ‘sine’ and ‘cosine’.

The use of some symbols needs, I suppose, no more justification than the use of + and − to represent ‘plus’ and ‘minus’.

These particular symbols are derived from the old theory of Trigonometry, in which sines, cosines, &c. were actual lines.

A semi-circle with centre O, N on the diameter, P on the circle.

In this diagram, OP being taken as the unit of length, PN is the sine of the angle NOP, on ON its cosine.

In each of my two symbols I have retained the semicircle: in the symbol , I have merely moved PN to the middle; and, in the symbol , I have lengthened ON, taking it a little beyond the curve, in order to avoid confusion with the existing symbol for ‘semicircle’.

I also take this opportunity of adding a sort of Corollary (lately thought out) to the solution of Problem 59 (see p. 84).

If a, b, c be given lengths, they must, in order that the Tetrahedron may be possible, fulfil certain conditions, as follows:—

(1) they have to form the sides of a Triangle: hence any two of them must be greater than the third;

(2) the three angles of this Triangle have to form a solid angle: hence any two of these angles must be together greter than the third: hence any two of them must be together greater than 90°: hence any one of them must be less than 90°: hence the cosine of any one of them must be greater then 0: i. e. b2+c2a2 must be greater than 0, &c.; hence a, b, c must be such that the squares of any two of them are together greater than te square of the third.

For example, the lengths 2, 3, 4 would not do as the given lengths, since, although fulilling the first condition, by having 2+3>4, they fail to fulfil the second, as 22+32 is not >42.

C. L. D.
Ch. Ch., Oxford.
March, 1895.

Preface to Second Edition

The principal changes, made in this Second Edition of “Pillow-Problems”, are as follows:—

(1) After the numeral, which precedes each Question, Answer, or Solution, references are given to the pages at which the corresponding matter may be found.

(2) Some of the Solutions have been re-arranged, and duplicate-diagrams have been inserted, in order that every potion of text may have its illustrativ diagram visible along with it, and that the reader may thus be saved the trouble, and the strain on his temper, involved in turning a leaf backwards and forwards while referring from the one to the other.

(3) In the title of the book, the words “sleepless nights” have been replaced by “wakeful hours”.

This last change has been made in order to allay the anxiety of kind friends, who have written to me to express their sympathy in my broken-down state of health, believing that I am a sufferer from chronic “insomnia”, and that it is as a remedy for that exhausting malady that I have recommended mathematical calculation.

The title was not, I fear, wisely chosen; and it certainly was liable to suggest a meaning I did not intend to convey, viz. that my “nights” are very often wholly “sleepless”. This is by no means the case: I have never suffered from “insomnia”: and the over-wakeful hours, that I have had to spend at night, have often been simply the result of the over-sleepy hours I have spent during the preceding evening! Nor is it as a remedy for wakefulness that I have suggested mathematical calculation; but as a remedy for the harassig thoughts that are apt to invade a wholly-unoccupied mind. I hope the new title will express my meaning more lucidly.

To state the matter logically, the dilemma which my friends suppose me to be in has, for its two horns, the endurance of a sleepless night, and the adoption of some recipe for inducing sleep. Now, so far as my experience goes, no such recipe has any effect, unless when you are sleepy: and mathematical calculation would be more likely to delay, than to hasten, the advent of sleep.

The real dilemma, which I have had to face, is this: given that the brain is in so wakeful a condition that, do what I will, I am certain to remain awake for the next hour or so, I must choose between two courses, viz. either to submit to the fruitless self-torture of going through some worrying topic, over and over again, or else to dictate to myself some topic sufficiently absorbing to keep the worry at bay. A mathematical problem is, for me, such a topic; and is a benefit, even if it lengthens the wakeful period a little. I believe that an hour of calculation is much better for me than half-an-hour of worry.

The reader will, I think, be interested to see a curiously illogical solution which has been proposed, by a correspondent of the Educational Times, for Problem 61, viz. “Prove that, if any 3 Numbers be taken, which cannot be arranged in A.P., and whose sum is a multiple of 3, the sum of their squares is also the sum of another set of 3 squares, the 2 sets having no common term.”

The proposed solution is as follows:—

“Let 3m, 21m, 30m be the three Numbers: then 3m+21m+30m=3×18m. Also (3m)2+(21m)2+(30m)2=(6m)2+(15m)2+(33m)2=(5m)2+(13m)2+(34m)2=(10m)2+(17m)2+(31m)2=(14m)2+(23m)2+(25m)2.”

Now, if we denote, by ‘α’, the property “which cannot be arranged in A.P., and whose sum is a multiple of 3,” and, by ‘β’, the property “the sum of whose squares is also the sum of another set of 3 squares, the 2 sets having no common term,” we see that all, that this writer has succeeded in proving, is that certain selected Numbers, which have property ‘α’, have also property ‘β’: but this does not prove my Theorem, viz. that any Numbers whatever, which have property ‘α’, have also property ‘β’. If his argument were arranged in a syllogistic form, it would be found to assume a quite untenable Major Premiss, viz. “that, which is true of certain selected Numbers which have property ‘α’, is true of any Numbers whatever, which have property ‘α’.”

C. L. D.
Ch. Ch., Oxford.
September, 1893.


Nearly all of the following seventy-two Problems are veritable “Pillow-Problems”, having been solved, in the head, while lying awake at night. (I have put on record the exact dates of some.) No. 37 and one or two others belong to the daylight, having been solved while taking a solitary walk; but every one of them was worked out, to the very end, before drawing any diagram or writing down a single word of the solution. I generally wrote down the answer, first of all: and afterwards the question and its solution. For example, in No. 70, the very first words I wrote down were as follows:—“(1) down back-edge; up again; down again; and so on; (2) about ⋅7 of the way down the back-edge; (3) about 18° 18; (4) about 14°.” These answers are not quite correct; but at least they are genuine, as the results of mental work only. “A poor thing, Sir, but mine own!”

My motive, for publishing these Problems, with their mentally-worked solutions, is most certainly not any desire to display powers of mental calculation. Mine, I feel sure, are nothing out-of-the-way; and I have no doubt there are many mathematicians who could produce, mentally, much shorter and better solutions. It is not for such persons that I intend my little book; but rather for the much larger class of ordinary mathematicians, who perhaps have never tried this resource, when mental occupation was needed, and who will, I hope, feel encouraged—by seeing what can be done, after a little practice, by one of average mathematical powers—to try the experiment for themselves, and find in it as much advantage and comfort as I have done.

The word “comfort” may perhaps sound out of place, in connection with so entirely intellectual an occupation; but it will, I think, come home to many who have known what it is to be haunted by some worrying subject of thought, which no effort of will is able to banish. Again and again I have said to myself, on lying down at night, after a day embittered by some vexatious matter, “I will not think of it any more! I have gone through it all, thoroughly. It can do no good whatever to go through it again. I will think of something else!” And in another ten minutes I have found myself, once more, in the very thick of the miserable business, and torturing myself, to no purpose, with all the old troubles.

Now it is not possible—this, I think, all psychologists will admit—by any effort of volition, to carry out the resolution “I will not think of so-and-so.” (Witness the common trick, played on a child, of saying “I’ll give you a penny, if you’ll stand in that corner for five minutes, and not once think of strawberry-jam.” No human child ever yet won the tempting wager!) But it is possible—as I am most thankful to know—to carry out the resolution “I will think of so-and-so.” Once fasten the attention upon a subject so chosen, and you will find that the worrying subject, which you desire to banish, is practically annulled. It may recur, from time to time—just looking in at the door, so to speak; but it will find itself so coldly received, and will get so little attention paid to it, that it will, after a while, cease to be any worry at all.

Perhaps I may venture, for a moment, to use a more serious tone, and to point out that there are mental troubles, much worse than mere worry, for which an absorbing subject of thought may serve as a remedy. There are sceptical thoughts, which seem for the moment to uproot the firmest faith; there are blasphemous thoughts, which dart unbidden into the most reverent souls; there are unholy thoughts, which torture, with their hateful presence, the fancy that would fain be pure. Against all these some real mental work is a most helpful ally. That “unclean spirit” of the parable, who brought back with him seven others more wicked then himself, only did so because he found the chamber “swept and garnished”, and its owner sitting with folded hands: had he found it all alive with the “busy hum” of active work, there would have been scant welcome for him and his seven!

My purpose—of giving this encouragement to others—would not be so well fulfilled had I allowed myself, in writing out my solutions, to improve on the work done in my head. I felt it to be much more important to set down what had actually been done in the head, than to supply shorter or neater solutions, which perhaps would be much harder to do without paper. For example, a Long-Multiplication sum (say the multiplying together of two numbers of 7 digits) is no doubt best done, on paper, by beginning at the unit-end, and writing out 7 rows of figures, and adding up the columns in the usual way. But it would be very difficult indeed—to me quite impossible—to do such a thing in the head. The only chance seems to be to begin with the millions, and get them properly grouped; then the hundred-thousands, adding the results to the previous one; and so on. Very often it seems to happen, that the easiest mental process looks decidedly lengthy and round-about when committed to paper.

When I first tried this plan, easy geometrical problems were all I could manage; and, even in these, I had to pause from time to time, in order to re-draw the diagram, which would persist in getting ‘rubbed-out’. Algebraical problems I avoided at first, owing to the provoking fact that, if one single co-efficient escaped the memory, there was no resource but to begin the calculation all over again. But I soon got over both these difficulties, and found myself able to remember fairly large numerical co-efficients, and also to retain, in the mind’s eye, fairly complex diagrams, even to the extent of finding my way from one part of the diagram to another. The lettering of the diagrams proved such a troublesome thing to keep in the memory, that I almost gave up using it, and learned to recognise Points by their situation only. In my MS. of No. 53, I find the following memorandum:—

“I had never set myself this Problem before the week ending Ap. 6, 1889. I tried it, two or three nights,lying awake; and finally worked it out on the night of Ap. 76. All the conclusions were worked out mentally before any use was made of pen and paper. While working it, I did not give names to any Points, except A, B, C, and P: I merely thought of them by their positions (e. g. ‘the foot of the perpendicular from P on BC’).”

If any of my readers should feel inclined to reproach me with having worked too uniformly in the region of Common-place, and with never having ventured to wander out of the beaten tracks, I can proudly point to my one Problem in ‘Transcendental Probabilities’—a subject in which, I believe, very little has yet been done by even the most enterprising of mathematical explorers. To the casual reader it may seem abnormal, and even paradoxical; but I would have such a reader ask himself, candidly, the question “Is not Life itself a Paradox?”

To give the Reader some idea of the process of construction of these Problems, I will give the biography of No. 63. The history of one is, to a great extent, the history of all.

It was begun during the night of Sept. 43, 1890, and completed during the following night. The idea had occurred to me, a short time previously, that something interesting might be found in the subject of what I may call ‘partially-regular’ Solids. The ‘regular’ Solids are provokingly few in number; and it would be hopeless to find any question, connected with them, that has not already been exhaustively analysed: some also of the ‘partially-regular’ Solids (e. g. rhomboidal crystals) have probably been similarly treated; but there seemed to be room for the invention of other such Solids.

Accordingly, I devised a Solid enclosed, above and below, by 2 equal and parallel Squares, having their centres in the same vertical line, and the upper one twisted round so that its sides should be parallel to the diagonals of the lower Square. Then I imagined the upper one raised until its corners formed the vertices of 4 equilateral Triangles, whose bases were the sides of the lower one. The Solid, thus obtained, was evidently enclosed by 2 Squares and 8 equilateral Triangles: and the Problem I set myself was to obtain its Volume.

There was no great difficulty in proving that the distance between the 2 Squares (taking each side as equal to ‘2’) was 234. But, when I looked about for some Trigonometrical method for calculating the Volume, despair soon seized upon me! A calculable Prism could be cut out of the middle of the Solid, I saw: but the outlying projections completely baffled me. After a while, the happy idea occured to me of trying Algebraical Geometry, and regarding each facet as the base of a Pyramid, having its vertex at the centre of the Solid, which I decided to take as the Origin. I saw at once that I could calculate the co-ordinates of all the vertical Points, thence obtain equations to the Planes containing the facets, and thence calculate their distance from the Origin, which would be the altitudes of the Pyramids. Also it was evident that a sample Pyramid would suffice. I worked out a value for the Volume, that first night; but the thing got into a tangle, and I felt pretty sure I had got it wrong.

The next night I began again, and worked it all through from the beginning. In the morning the answer was clear in my memory, and I wrote it down at once; and did not write out the Problem, and its solution, until later in the day, when I was well pleased to find the written proof confirm the result I had arrived at in the hours of darkness.

It is not, perhaps, much to be wondered at that, when these Problems came to be re-written and arranged for publication, a good many mistakes were discovered. Some were so bad as quite to spoil the solutions in which they occurred: these Problems I have omitted altogether. The others I have corrected, in the solutions as given in Chapter III: but, that I may not be credited with an amount of accuracy, as a computator, which I am well aware I do not possess, I here append a list of them.

In No. 7, in the denominator ‘2A’, I forgot the ‘2’.1

In No. 10, I failed to notice that the 3 coins might also be a half-crown and 2 shillings.

In No. 13, in the last line but one, I put ‘’, instead of ‘’.

In No. 32, I brought out the arithmetical value as ‘358520’, instead of ‘358550’.

In No. 38, I got the decimal wrong, making it ⋅476 instead of ⋅478, and thus brought out the answer as ⋅042 instead of ⋅044.

In No. 44, I said that the denominator would be of the form (10n1).10m. This last factor is superfluous: i. e. m=0.

In No. 50, I made a mistake near the end, bringing out 41108, instead of 50108.

In No. 55, I put ‘tan’ for ‘sin’.

In No. 57, in the last paragraph, I replaced the denominator ‘aBC’ by (what I imagined to be its equivalent) ‘2m’. Apparently I was under the delusion that ‘aBC’ was the same thing as ‘A.bc’!

In No. 70, section (3), I forgot to add in the ⋅45, thus making the answer half a degree wrong. And, in section (4), I forgot to add in the 53, thus again making the answer half a degree wrong.

Let me, in conclusion, gratefully acknowledge the valuable assistance I have received from Mr. F. G. Brabant, M.A., of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, who has most patiently and carefully gone through my proofs, first working out each result independently, and has thus detected many mistakes which had escaped my notice. He has also supplied, for No. 59, a much neater answer than mine, viz. abc3.ABC.

Other mistakes may perchance, having eluded us both, await the penetrating glance of some critical reader, to whom the joy of discovery, and the intellectual superiority which he will thus discern, in himself, to the auther of this little book, will, I hope, repay to some extent the time and trouble its perusal may have cost him!

C. L. D.
Ch. Ch., Oxford.
May, 1893.

Subjects Classified

Arithmetic. No. 31.

Equational Problems. Nos. 8, 25, 39, 52, 68.
Series. Nos. 21, 32.
Indeterminate Equations. No. 47.
Properties of Numbers. Nos. 1, 14, 29, 44, 61.
Chances. Nos. 5, 10, 16, 19, 23, 27, 38, 41, 45, 50, 58, 66.

Pure Geometry, Plane. Nos. 2, 3, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 34, 35, 36, 40, 46, 51, 57, 62, 64, 71.

Plane. Nos. 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 18, 22, 28, 37, 42, 43, 48, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 65, 69.
Solid. Nos. 49, 59, 63, 70.

Algebraical Geometry:—
Plane. No. 53.
Solid. No. 67.

Differential Calculus:—
Maxima and Minima. No. 33.

Transcendental Probabilities. No. 72.

Chapter I.


1. (28)2

Find a general formula for two squares whose sum = 2. [24/3/84

2. (29)

In a given Triangle to place a line parallel to the base, such that the portions of sides, intercepted between it and the base, shall be together equal to the base.

3. (30)

If the sides of a Tetragon pass through the vertices of a Parallelogram, and if three of them are bisected at those vertices: prove that the fourth is so also.

4. (30)

In a given acute-angled Triangle inscribe a Triangle, whose sides make, at each of the vertices, equal angles with the sides of the given Triangle. [19/4/76

5. (19, 31)

A bag contains one counter, known to be either white or black. A white counter is put in, the bag shaken, and a counter drawn out, which proves to be white. What is now the chance of drawing a white counter? [8/9/87

6. (19, 32)

Given lengths of lines drawn, from vertices of Triangle, to middle points of opposite sides, to find its sides and angles.

7. (19, 33)

Given 2 adjacent sides, and the included angle, of a Tetragon; and that the angles, at the other ends of these 2 sides, are right: find (1) remaining sides, (2) area. [4 or 5/89

8. (20, 34)

Some men sat in a circle, so that each had 2 neighbours; and each had a certain number of shillings. The first had 1/ more than the second, who had 1/ more than the third, and so on. The first gave 1/ to the second, who gave 2/ to the third, and so on, each giving 1/ more than he received, as long as possible. There were then 2 neighbours, one of whom had 4 times as much as the other. How many men were there? And how much had the poorest man at first? [3/89

9. (35)

Given two Lines meeting at a Point, and given a Point lying within the angle contained by them: draw, from the given Point, two lines, at right angles to each other, and forming with the given Lines and the line joining their intersection to the given Point, two equal Triangles. [11/76

10. (20, 36)

A triangular billiard-table has 3 pockets, one in each corner, one of which will hold only one ball, while each of the others will hold two. There are 3 balls on the table, each containing a single coin. The table is tilted up, so that the balls run into one corner, it is not known which. The ‘expectation’, as to the contents of the pocket, is 2/6. What are the coins? [8/90

11. (20, 36)

A Triangle ABC has another ABC inscribed in it, so that BAC=CBA=ACB=θ; thus making it similar to the first Triangle. Find ratio between homologous sides. And solve for “θ=90°”.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

The Triangles can be proved similar thus:— CAB+BAC=supp. of θ, BAC+ACB=supp. of θ;  these pairs are equal; CAB=C.

Hence ABC=A, and BCA=B.

Let CA=ka; AB=kb, and BC=kc. We have to find k. [31/3/82

12. (20, 37)

Given the semi-perimeter and the area of a Triangle, and also the volume of the cuboid whose edges are equal to the sides of the Triangle: find the sum of the squares of its sides. [23/1/91

13. (20, 38)

Given the lengths of the radii of two intersecting Circles, and the distance between their centres: find the area of the Tetragon formed by the tangents at the points of intersection. [3/89

14. (39)

Prove that 3 times the sum of 3 squares is also the sum of 4 squares. [2/12/81

15. (39)

If a Figure be such that the opposite angles of every inscribed Tetragon are supplementary: the Figure is a Circle. [3/91

16. (20, 40)

There are two bags, one containing a counter, known to be either white or black; the other containing 1 white and 2 black. A white is put into the first, the bag shaken, and a counter drawn out, which proves to be white. Which course will now give the best chance of drawing a white—to draw from one the two bags without knowing which it is, or to empty one bag into the other and then draw? [10/87

17. (40)

In a given Triangle place a line parallel to the base, such that if, from its ends, lines be drawn, parallel to the sides and terminated by the base, they shall be together equal to the first line. [3/89

18. (21, 41)

Find a Point, in the base of a given Triangle, such that, if from it perpendiculars be dropped upon the sides, the line joining their extremities shall be parallel to the base. (1) Trigonometrically. (2) Geometrically [11/89

19. (21, 42)

There are 3 bags; one containing a white counter and a black one, another two white and a black, and the third 3 white and a black. It is not known in what order the bags are placed. A white counter is drawn from one of them, and a black from another. What is the chance of drawing a white counter from the remaining bag?

20. (43)

In the base of a given Triangle find a Point such that if from it two lines be drawn, terminated by the sides, one being perpendicular to the base and one to the left-hand side, they shall be equal. [5/88

21. (21, 44)

Sum, (1) to n terms, (2) to 100 terms, the series 1.3.5+2.4.6+&c. [7/4/89

22. (21, 45)

Given the 3 ‘altitudes’ of a Triangle: find its (1) sides, (2) angles, (3) area. [4/6/89

23. (21, 46)

A bag contains 2 counters, each of which is known to be black or white. 2 white and a black are put in, and 2 white and a black drawn out. Then a white is put in, and a white drawn out. What is the chance that it now contains 2 white? [25/9/87

24. (21, 47)

If, from the vertices of a triangle ABC, the lines AD, B, CF be drawn, intersecting at O: find the ratio DODA in terms of the two ratios EOEB, FOFC. [5/86

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

25. (22, 48)

If ‘ϵ’, ‘α’, ‘λ’ represent proper fractions; and if, in a certain hospital, ‘ϵ’ of the patients have lost an eye, ‘α’ an arm, and ‘λ’ a leg: what is the least possible number who have lost all three? [7/2/76

26. (48)

Within a given Triangle place a similar Triangle, whose area shall have to its area a given ratio less than unity, whose sides shall be parallel to its sides, and whose vertices shall be equidistant from its vertices. [4/89

27. (22, 50)

There are 3 bags, each containing 6 counters; one contains 5 white and one black; another, 4 white and 2 black; the third, 3 white and 3 black. From two of the bags (it is not known which) 2 counters are drawn, and prove to be black and white. What is the chance of drawing a white counter from the remaining bag? [4/3/80

28. (22, 50)

If the sides of a given Triangle, taken cyclically, be divided in extreme and mean ratio; and if the Points be joined: find the ratio which the area of the Triangle, so formed, has to the area of the given Triangle. [12/78

29. (51)

Prove that the sum of 2 different squares, multiplied by the sum of 2 different squares, gives the sum of 2 squares in 2 different ways. [3/12/81

30. (52)

In a given Triangle, to place a line parallel to the base, such that if from its extremities lines be drawn, to the base, parallel to the sides, they shall be together double of the inscribed Line. [15/3/89

31. (22, 53)

On July 1, at 8 a. m. by my watch, it was 8h. 4m. by my clock. I took the watch to Greenwich, and, when it said ‘noon’, the true time was 12h. 5m. That evening, when the watch said ‘6h.’, the clock said ‘5h. 59m.’

On July 30, at 9 a. m. by my watch, it was 8h. 57m. by my clock. At Greenwich, when the watch said ‘12h. 10m.’, the true time was 12h. 5m. That evening, when the watch said ‘7h.’, the clock said ‘6h. 58m.’

My watch is only wound up for each journey, and goes uniformly during any one day: the clock is always going, and goes uniformly.

How am I to know when it is true noon on July 31? [14/3/89

32. (22, 53)

Sum the series 1.5+2.6+&c. (1) to n terms; (2) to 100 terms. [7/4/89

33. (54)

Inscribe in a given Circle the maximum Tetragon having 2 parallel sides, one double the other.

34. (55)

From a given Point draw 2 Lines, one to the centre of a given Circle, and the other cutting off from it a Segment containing an angle equal to that between the Lines. [21/12/74

35. (56)

With a given Triangle, to describe a Circle, cutting each side in two points, such that, if radii be drawn perpendicular to the sides, they are divided by the sides in given ratios. [11/76

36. (57)

In a given Triangle, to draw a line, from a Point on one side of it, to a Point on the other side, perpendicular to one of these sides, and equal to the sum of the portions, of these sides, intercepted between it and the base. [3/89

37. (22, 58)

Two given Circles intersect, so that their common chord subtends angles of 30° and 60° at their centres. What fraction of the smaller Circle is within the larger? [12/91

38. (22, 60)

There are 3 bags, ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’. ‘A’ contains 3 red counters, ‘B’ 2 red and one white, ‘C’ one red and 2 white. Two bags are taken at random, and a counter drawn from each: both prove to be red. The counters are replaced, and the experiment is repeated with the same two bags: one proves to be red. What is the chance of the other being red? [3/76

39. (22, 60)

A and B begin, at 6 a. m. on the same day, to walk along a road in the same direction, B having a start of 14 miles, and each walking from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily. A walks 10 miles, at a uniform pace, the first day, 9 the second, 8 the third and so on: B walks 2 miles, at a uniform pace, the first day, 4 the second, 6 the third, and so on. When and where are they together? [16/3/78

40. (61)

In a given Triangle, whose base-angles are acute, draw two lines, at right angles to the base, and together equal to the line drawn, from the vertex, at right angles to the base, and such that
(1) they are equidistant from the line drawn from the vertex;
(2) they are equidistant from the ends of the base. [5/76

41. (23, 62)

My friend brings me a bag containing four counters, each of which is either black or white. He bids me draw two, both of which prove to be white. He then says “I meant to tell you, before you began, that there was at least one white counter in the bag. However, you know it now, without my telling you. Draw again.”

(1) What is now my chance of drawing white?

(2) What would it have been, if he had not spoken? [9/87

42. (23, 63)

If the angles of a given Triangle be bisected, and if lines be drawn, through its vertices, at right angles to the bisectors, so as to form a fresh Triangle: find the ratio of the area of this Triangle to the area of the given Triangle.

43. (65)

From the ends of the base of a given Triangle draw two lines, intersecting, terminated by the sides, and forming an isosceles Triangle at the base, and a Tetragon, equal to it, at the vertex. [2/82

44. (66)

If a, b be two numbers prime to each other, a value may be found for n which will make (an1) a multiple of b. [18/3/81

45. (23, 67)

If an infinite number of rods be broken: find the chance that one at least is broken in the middle. [5/84

46. (68)

In a given Triangle, whose base is divided at a given Point, inscribe a Triangle, having its angles equal to given angles, and having an assigned vertex at the given Point. [19/11/87

47. (23, 69)

Solve the 2 Indeterminate Equations xy=xz;xz=xy;}(1)(2) and find the limits, if any, between which the real values lie. [12/90

48. (70)

If semicircles be described, externally, on the sides of a given Triangle; and if their common tangents be drawn; and if their lengths be α, β, γ: prove that (βγα+γαβ+αβγ) is equal to the semiperimeter of the Triangle. [9/2/81

49. (23, 72)

If four equilateral Triangles be made the sides of a square Pyramid: find the ratio which its volume has to that of a Tetrahedron made of the Triangles. [16/11/86

50. (23, 72)

There are 2 bags, H and K, each containing 2 counters: and it is known that each counter is either black or white. A white counter is added to bag H, the bag is shaken up, and one counter transferred (without looking at it) to bag K, where the process is repeated, a counter being transferred to bag H. What is now the chance of drawing a white counter from bag H?

51. (74)

From a given Point, in one side of a given Triangle, to draw a line, terminated by the other side, so that, if from its ends lines be drawn at right angles to the base, their sum shall be equal to the first line. [12/81

52. (23, 75)

Five beggars sat down in a circle, and each piled up, in a heap before him, the pennies he had received that day: and the five heaps were equal.

Then spake the eldest and wisest of them, unfolding, as he spake, an empty sack.

“My friends, let me teach you a pretty little game! First, I name myself ‘Number One,’ my left-hand neighbour ‘Number Two,’ and so on to ‘Number Five.’ I then pour into this sack the whole of my earnings for the day, and hand it on to him who sits next but one on my left, that is, ‘Number Three.’ His part in the game is to take out of it, and give to his two neighbours, so many pennies as represent their names (that is, he must give four to ‘Number Four’ and two to ‘Number Two’); he must then put into the sack half as much as it contained when he received it; and he must then hand it on just as I did, that is, he must hand it to him who sits next but one on his left—who will of course be ‘Number Five.’ He must proceed in the same way, and hand it on to ‘Number Two,’ from whom the sack will find its way to ‘Number Four,’ and so to me again. If any player cannot furnish, from his own heap, the whole of what he has to put into the sack, he is at liberty to draw upon any of the other heaps, except mine!”

The other beggars entered into the game with much enthusiasm: and in due time the sack returned to ‘Number One,’ who put into it the two pennies he had received during the game, and carefully tied up the mouth of it with a string. Then, remarking “it is a very pretty little game,” he rose to his feet, and hastily quitted the spot. The other four beggars gazed at each other with rueful countenances. Not one of them had a penny left!

How much had each at first? [16/2/89

53. (24, 76)

In a triangular billiard-table, a Point is given by its trilinear co-ordinates. A ball, starting from the given Point, strikes the three sides, and returns to the starting-point. Find, in terms of the trilinear co-ordinates and of the angles of the Triangle, the Point where the ball strikes the second side. [6/4/89

54. (24, 78)

Cut off, from a given Triangle, by lines parallel to the sides, 3 Triangles, so that the remaining Hexagon may be equilateral. Also find the lengths of its sides in terms of the sides of the given Triangle: and the ratios in which the sides of the given Triangle are divided. [18/4/86

55. (79)

Given three cylindrical towers on a Plane: find a Point, on the Plane, from which they shall look the same width. [20/12/74

56. (24, 80)

Given the 3 altitudes of a Triangle: construct it. [27/6/84

57. (25, 80)

In a given Triangle describe three Squares, whose bases shall lie along the sides of the Triangle, and whose upper edges shall form a Triangle;
(1) geometrically; (2) trigonometrically. [27/1/91

58. (25, 83)

Three Points are taken at random on an infinite Plane. Find the chance of their being the vertices of an obtuse-angled Triangle. [20/1/84

59. (25, 84)

Given a Tetrahedron, having every edge equal to the opposite edge, so that its facets are all (when looked at from the outside) identically equal: find its volume in terms of its edges. [8/90

60. (25, 87)

Given a Triangle ABC, and that its base BC is divided at D in the ratio m to n: find the angles BAD, CAD. [21/3/90

61. (89)

Prove that, if any 3 Numbers be taken, which cannot be arranged in A.P., and whose sum is a multiple of 3, the sum of their squares is also the sum of another set of 3 squares, the 2 sets having no common term. [1/12/81

62. (91)

Given two Lines meeting at a Point, and given a Point lying within the angle contained by them: draw a line, through the given Point, and forming, with the given Lines, the least possible Triangle. [12/76

63. (26, 92)

Given 2 equal Squares, in different horizontal planes, having their centres in the same vertical line, and so placed that the sides of each are parallel to the diagonals of the other, and at such a distance apart that, by joining neighbouring vertices, 8 equilateral Triangles are formed: find the volume of the solid thus enclosed. [3, 4/9/90

64. (94)

Given a Triangle, and a Point within it such that its distance from one of the sides is less than its distance from either of the others: describe a Circle, with given Point as centre, such that its intercepts on the sides may be equal to the sides of a right-angled Triangle. [18/12/74

65. (95)

How many shapes are there for Triangles which have all their angles aliquot parts of 360°? [5/89

66. (26, 97)

Given that there are 2 counters in a bag, as to which all that was originally known was that each was either white or black. Also given that the experiment has been tried, a certain number of times, of drawing a counter, looking at it, and replacing it; that it has been white every time; and that, as a result, the chance of drawing white, next time, is αα+β. Also given that the same experiment is repeated m times more, and that it still continues to be white every time. What would then be the chance of drawing white? [9/89

67. (26, 100)

If a regular Tetrahedron be placed, with one vertex downwards, in a socket which exactly fits it, and be turned round its vertical axis, through an angle of 120°, raising it only so much as is necessary, until it again fits the socket: find the Locus of one of the revolving vertices. [27/1/72

68. (26, 101)

Five friends agreed to form themselves into a Wine-Company (Limited). They contributed equal amounts of wine, which had been bought at the same price. They then elected one of themselves to act as Treasurer; and another of them undertook to act as Salesman, and to sell the wine at 10% over cost-price.

The first day the Salesman drank one bottle, sold some, and handed over the receipts to the Treasurer.

The second day he drank none, but pocketed the profits on one bottle sold, and handed over the rest of the receipts to the Treasurer.

That night the Treasurer visited the Cellars, and counted the remaining wine. “It will fetch just £11,” he muttered to himself as he left the Cellars.

The third day the Salesman drank one bottle, pocketed the profits on another, and handed over the rest of the receipts to the Treasurer.

The wine was now all gone: the Company held a Meeting, and found to their chagrin that their profits (i. e. the Treasurer’s receipts, less the original value of the wine) only cleared 6d. a bottle on the whole stock. These profits had accrued in 3 equal sums on the 3 days (i. e. the Treasurer’s receipts for the day, less the original value of the wine taken out during the day, had come to the same amount every time); but of course only the Salesman knew this
(1) How much wine had they bought? (2) At what price? [28/2/89

69. (26, 102)

If, from each of the angles of a given Triangle ABC, taken cyclically, a certain proper fraction of it be cut off, the arithmetical values of the 3 fractions being represented by ‘k, l, m’; and if it be given that the Triangle, formed by the lines so drawn, is similar to the given one, the angle, formed by the lines drawn from B and C, being equal to A, and so on: find k, l, m, as similar functions of a single variable. Also find the ratio which each side of the second Triangle bears to the corresponding side of the first. [8/89

70. (27, 105)

Let an equilateral and equiangular Tetrahedron be placed with one facet in front: and suppose a series of triangles, equal to that facet, constructed in the Plane containing that facet, and having a base common with it; and that they are all wrapped round the Tetrahedron as far as they will go. Find (1) the locus of their vertices; (2) the situation of the vertex of the one whose left-hand base-angle is 15°; (3) the left-hand base-angle of the one which (wrapped round towards the right) covers portions of all four facets of the Tetrahedron, and whose vertex coincides with its vertex; (4) the left-hand base-angle of the one which (similarly treated) occupies all four facets, and then the front and right-hand facet for the second time, and whose vertex coincides with the distal vertex of the base of the Tetrahedron.

71. (108)

In a given Triangle place a Hexagon having its opposite sides equal and parallel, and three of them lying along the sides of the Triangle, and such that its diagonals intersect in a given Point. [14/12/74

72. (27, 109)

A bag contains 2 counters, as to which nothing is known except that each is either black or white. Ascertain their colours without taking them out of the bag. [8/9/87

Chapter II.


5. (2, 31)


6. (2, 32)

Calling the sides ‘2a’, ‘2b’, ‘2c’, and the lines ‘α’, ‘β’, ‘γ’, we have a2=α2+2β2+2γ29, A=5α2β2γ222α2β2+2γ2.2α2+2β2γ2.

7. (2, 33)

The tetragon ABCD as in the problem, the sides AB and CD are extended using dashed lines intersecting in E.

Let AB, AD be given sides, and B, D the right ∠s; and let AB=b, AD=d.

(1)BC=dbAA;CD=bdAA; (2)area=2bd(b2+d2)A2A.

8. (2, 34)

7 men; 2 shillings.

10. (3, 36)

Either 2 florins and a sixpence; or else a half-crown and 2 shillings.

11. (3, 36)

The required ratio is equal to ABCθ(1+ABC)+θABC. If θ=90°, this =ABC1+ABC.

12. (4, 37)

If s = semi-perimeter, m = area, v = volume; then a2+b2+c2=2.(s2vsm2s2).

13. (4, 38)

If ‘2M’ = area of Tetragon whose vertices are the Centres and the Points of intersection; and if its sides be ‘a’, ‘b’, and its diagonal, joining the Centres, ‘c’: required area =32M3(b2+c2a2).(c2+a2b2).

16. (4, 40)

The first course gives chance = 12, the second, 512. Hence the first is best.

18. (5, 41)

(1) Divide base BC, at E, so that BEEC=2C2B.

(2) At B, C, make right angles ABD, ACD; and join AD cutting BC at E, which is the required Point.

19. (5, 42)


21. (5, 44)

(1) n.n+1¯.n+4¯.n+5¯4; (2) 27,573,000.

22. (5, 45)

Calling the given altitudes ‘α, β, γ’; and the fraction 2α2β2γ2.(α2+β2+γ2)(β4γ4+γ4α4+α4β4)4α4β4γ4k2’,

(1) a=1kα, &c.;

(2) A=kβγ, &c.;

(3) area = 12k

23. (5, 46)


24. (6, 47)

DODA+EOEB+FOFC=1; whence any one can be found in terms of the other two.

25. (6, 48)


27. (6, 50)


28. (7, 50)


31. (7, 53)

When the clock says ‘12h. 2m29277288sec.’

32. (8, 53)

(1) n.(n+1).(2n+13)6;

(2) 358550.

37. (8, 58)

4+3121+32π; i. e. about ⋅044.

38. (9, 60)


39. (9, 60)

They meet at end of 2d. 6h., and at end of 4d.: and the distances are 23 miles, and 34 miles.

41. (9, 62)

(1) Seven-twelfths. (2) One-half.

42. (10, 63)


45. (10, 67)

⋅6321207 &c.

47. (11, 69)

One set of values is 0, 0, 0.

A 2nd set is x=y=0; z has any value.

A 3rd is x=z=0; y has any value.

And the 4th set is x=k2k1, y=z=k; where k has any value.

If x has any positive value less than 4, y and z are unreal.

49. (11, 72)


50. (11, 72)


52. (12, 75)

2l. 18s. 0d.

53. (13, 76)

The portion, cut off from the second side, is equal to (αC+γA)(2γA+β)αC+γA+β+βA+γ2AA.

54. (13, 78)

Side AB must be divided at D, G, so that AD:DG:GB::1a:1c:1b; and similarly for the other sides. Also each side of the Hexagon = 11a+1b+1c.

56. (13, 80)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text, the circles are shown dashed and only partially.

Draw BC, CE, BD equal to the given altitudes, so as to form right ∠s at B and C: and produce DB, EC. Join DC, and draw CF ⊥ to it. Join EB, and draw BG ⊥ to it. With centre B, and distance BF, describe a circle: with centre C, and distance CG describe another: let them meet at A: and join AB, AC. Triangle ABC may be proved to be similar to required Triangle. The rest of the construction is obvious.

57. (14, 80)

(1) Geometrically.

If Squares be described externally on the sides of the given Triangle; and if their outer edges be produced to form a new Triangle; and if the sides of the given Triangle be divided similarly to those of the new Triangle: their cenral portions will be the bases of the required Squares.

(2) Trigonometrically.

If a, b, c be the sides of the given Triangle, and m its area; and if x, y, z be the sides of the required Squares: then ax=by=cz=a2+b2+c22m+1.

58. (14, 83)


59. (14, 84)

Calling lengths of the 3 pairs of edges ‘a, b, c’, and the corresponding ∠s, in each facet, ‘A, B, C’; volume = abc6.1(2A+2B+2C)+2ABC.

60. (14, 87)

CotBAD=(m+n)cotA+ncotBm; similarly, cotCAD=(m+n)cotA+mcotCn.

63. (15, 92)

If each side of each Square = 2, the volume = 8.214.(2+1)3.

66. (15, 97)


67. (16, 100)

If the centre of the horizontal facet be taken as the Origin, and if the X-axis pass through one of the vertices of that facet, and the Y-axis be parallel to the opposite edge of that facet, and the Z-axis be perpendicular to that facet: and if the altitude (measured downwards) of the Tetrahedron be called ‘h’, and the intercept on the X-axis be called ‘a’: the Equations to the Locus are (x+3.y).(hz)=ah;x2+y2=a2.

68. (16, 101)

(1) 5 dozen; (2) 8/4 a bottle.

69. (17, 102)

(1) k=θBA; l=θCB; m=θAC.

(2) Calling new Triangle ‘ABC’, aa=bb=cc=2θ.

70. (17, 105)

(1) Down the back-edge; up again; and so on. (2) about ⋅7 of the way down the back-edge. (3) About 18⋅65°. (4) About 14⋅53°.

72. (18, 109)

One is black, and the other white.

Chapter III.


1. (1)

Let u, v be the Nos.

Then u2+v2=2.

Evidently ‘(1+k), (1k)’ is a form for the squares.

Also, if we write ‘2m2’ for ‘2’ (which will not interfere with the problem, as we can divide by m2, and get u2m2+v2m2=2), the above form becomes ‘(m2+k), (m2k)’.

Now, as these are squares, their resemblance to (a2+b2+2ab),(a2+b22ab) at once suggests itself; so that the problem depends on the known one of finding a, b, such that (a2+b2) is a square; and we can then take 2ab as k.

A general form for this is

a=x2y2,b=2xy;a2+b2=(x2+y2)2; ∴ the formula ‘u2+v2=2m2’ becomes (x2y2+2xy)2+(x2y22xy)2=2(x2+y2)2; i. e. (x2y2+2xyx2+y2)2+(x2y22xyx2+y2)2=2. Q. E. F.

2. (1)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text, the footpoints of the perpendiculars are labelled C’, A’, B’.


Let ABC be the Triangle, and DE the required line, so that BD+CE=BC.

From BC cut off BF equal to BD; then CF=CE.

Join DF, EF.

Now BDF=BFD= [by I. 29] FDE;

Similarly CEF=FED;

∴ ∠s BDE, CED, are bisected by DF, EF, and F is centre of ⊙ escribed to ADE.

Drop, from F, ⊥s on BD, DE, EC; then these ⊥s are equal.

Hence, if AF be joined, it bisects A.

Hence construction.


Bisect A by AF: from F draw FB, FC, AC, AB: also draw FABC and equal to FB: and through A draw DEFA, i. e. BC. Then DE shall be line required.

∵ ∠s at A, B, C, are right, and FA=FB=FC,

∴ ∠s BDE, CED, are bisected by DF, EF.

Now BFD=FDA; ∴ it =BDF; BF=BD;

Similarly CF=CE; BC=BD+CE. Q. E. F.

3. (1)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Let ABCD be the Tetragon; and let the 3 sides, AB, BC, CD, be bisected by vertices of the Parallelogram EFGH.

Join BD.

∵, in Triangle BCD, sides BC, CD are bisected at F and G,

FG is parallel to BD;

but EH is parallel to FG;

EH is parallel to BD;

∴ Triangles AEH, ABD are similar;

now AE is half of AB;

AH is half of AD. Q. E. D.

4. (1)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Let ABC be the given Triangle, and ABC the required Triangle, so that BAC=CAB, &c.

Evidently AC, AB are equally inclined to a line drawn, from A, BC; and so of the others; i. e. these ⊥s bisect the ∠s at A, B, C;

∴ they meet in the same Point. Draw them; let them meet at O; and call the CAB2α’, and so on.

Now (β+γ)=πBOC=A;




Similarly, BCA=C.

∴ Triangle BCA is similar to Triangle BCA; and so of the others;


A is foot of ⊥ dran, from A, to BC. Hence the construction is obvious. Q. E. F.

5. (2, 19)

At first sight, it would appear that, as the state of the bag, after the operation, is necessarily identical with its state before it, the chance is just what it was, viz. 12. This, however, is an error.

The chances, before the addition, that the bag contains (a) 1 white (b) 1 black, are (a) 12 (b) 12. Hence the chances after the addition, that it contains (a) 2 white (b) 1 white, 1 black, are the same, viz. (a) 12 (b) 12. Now the probabilities, which these 2 states give to the observed event, of drawing a white counter, are (a) certainty (b) 12. Hence the chances, after drawing the white counter, that the bag, before drawing, contained (a) 2 white (b) 1 white, 1 black, are proportional to (a) 12.1 (b) 12.12; i. e. (a) 12 (b) 14; i. e. (a) 2 (b) 1. Hence the chances are (a) 23 (b) 13. Hence, after the removal of a white counter, the chances, that the bag now contains (a) 1 white (b) 1 black, are for (a) 23 and for (b) 13.

Thus the chance, of now drawing a white counter, is 23. Q. E. F.

6. (2, 19)

Call sides ‘2a, 2b, 2c’, and lines in question ‘α, β, γ’.

Triangle ABC with bisector AD.

Now ADB+ADC=0;




Similarly, β2=2a2b2+2c2;

Similarly, γ2=2a2+2b2c2.

To eliminate b, c, let us multiply by k, l, m, so taken that 2kl+2m=0, and 2k+2lm=0; 3(lm)=0;i. e. l=m; 2k=l=m; hence we may make k=1, l=2, m=2; α2+2β2+2γ2=9a2; i. e. a2=α2+2β2+2γ29; BC (which =2a=23α2+2β2+2γ2,&c., which gives lengths of sides.

Also A=b2+c2a22bc =2α2β2+2γ2+2α2+2β2γ2+α22β22γ22.2α2β2+2γ2.2α2+2β2γ2 =5α2β2γ2den.; and so for other angles. Q. E. F.

7. (2, 19)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text, and as in the answer.

Let AB, AD be given sides, and B, D the right ∠s; and let AB=b, AD=d.

Produce DC to meet AB-produced at E.

Now AE=AD.secA=dsecA;


Also BC=BE.tanE=(dsecAb)cotA,


similarly, CD=bdAA, which answers (1).

Also area =12.(AB.BC+AD.DC),


=2bd(b2+d2)A2A; which answers (2). Q. E. F.

8. (2, 20)

Let m = No. of men, k = No. of shillings possessed by the last (i. e. the poorest) man. After one circuit, each is a shilling poorer, and the moving heap contains m shillings. Hence, after k circuits, each is k shillings poorer, the last man now having nothing, and the moving heap contains mk shillings. Hence the thing ends when the last man is again called on to hand on the heap, which then contains (mk+m1) shillings, the penultimate man now having nothing, and the first man having (m2) shillings.

It is evident that the first and the last man are the only 2 neighbours whose possesions can be in the ratio ‘4 to 1’. Hence either mk+m1=4(m2), ore else 4(mk+m1)=m2.

The first equation gives mk=3m7, i. e. k=37m, which evidently gives no integral values other than m=7, k=2.

The second gives 4mk=23m, which evidently gives no positive integral values.

Hence the answer is ‘7 men; 2 shillings’.

9. (2)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text (without the circle).

Let AB, AC, be the given Lines, and P the given Point; and join AP.

Through A draw EAF, AP, and bisected at A; from E, F, draw EG, FH, parallel to AP, and meeting AB, AC, at G, H; join GH, and on it describe a semicircle cutting AP at K; and join KG, KH. Then GKH is a right angle. From P draw PL, PM, parallel to KG, KH.

Now Triangle APL has, to Triangle AKG, the duplicate ratio of AP to AK;

but so also has triangle APM to Triangle AKH;

also Triangles AKG, AKH, are equal, being on the same base AK, and having equal altitudes AE, AF;

∴ Triangles APL, APM are equal: and LPM is evidently equal to GKH; ∴ it is a right angle. Q. E. F.

10. (3, 20)

Call them x, y, z; and let x+y+z=s.

The chance, that the pocket contains 2 balls, is 23; and, if it does, the ‘expectation’ is the average value of (y+z),(z+x),(x+y); i. e. it is 2s3.

Also the chance, that it contains only one, is 13; and, if it does, the ‘expectation’ is s3.

Hence total ‘expectation’ =4s9+s9=5s9.


Hence the coins must be 2 florins and a sixpence; or else a half-crown and 2 shillings. Q. E. F.

11. (3, 20)

A mathematical diagram as in the problem.

Now BAAC=(B+θ)B; and ACAB=θC.

BA=(B+θ)B.ka; and AC=θC.kb

but BA+AC=a; k







Q. E. F.

Cor. Let θ=90°; then k=ABC1+ABC.

12. (4, 20)

Let s= semi-perimeter, m= area, v= volume.

We know that m=s.(sa).(sb).(sc);




a2+b2+c2=2.(s2vsm2s2). Q. E. F.

13. (4, 20)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Let A, B, be the centres of the Circles; C, D, their points of intersection; and CFDE the Tetragon whose area is required.

Let the sides of the Triangle ABC be a, b, c; and its ∠s α, β, γ.

Then CE=b.tanα, and CF=a.tanβ.

Also FCE=ACE+FCBγ=πγ;


Hence area of Triangle FCE=12.ab.tanα.tanβ.γ;

∴ area of Tetragon =abαβγαβ.

Now, writing ‘M’ for the area of Triangle ABC, we have α=2Mbc,β=2Mca,γ=2Mab;

∴ area of Tetragon; =32M3(b2+c2a2).(c2+a2b2). Q. E. F.

14. (4)

This simply expresses the identity 3(a2+b2+c2)=(a+b+c)2+(b22bc+c2)+(c22ca+a2)+(a22ab+b2):=(a+b+c)2+(bc)2+(ca)2+(ab)2. Q. E. D.

Numerical Examples (not thought out).

3(12+22+32)=62+12+22+12. 3(12+32+72)=112+42+62+22.

15. (4)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Let ABCD be an inscribed Tetragon. Join AC: and about Triangle ACD describe a Circle.

Now, if this Circle does not pass through B, let it cut CB, or CB produced, in B or B. Join AB, AB.

Then ABC, or ABC, is supplementary to ADC;

∴ it =ABC; which is absurd;

∴ this Circle does pass through B.

The same thing may be proved for any other Point on that portion, of the perimeter of the given Figure, which lies on the same side of AC as the Point D.

Similarly for the other portion.

Hence the Figure is a Circle. Q. E. D.

16. (4, 20)

The ‘a priori’ chances of possible states of first bag are ‘W, 12; B, 12’. Hence chances, after putting W in, are ‘WW, 12; WB, 12’. The chances, which these give to the ‘observed event’, are 1, 12. Hence chances of possible states ‘W, B’, after the event, are proportional to 1, 12; i. e. to 2, 1; i. e. their actual values are 23, 13.

Now, in first course, chance of drawing W is 12.23+12.13; i. e. 12.

And, in second course, chances of possible states ‘WWBB, WBBB’ are 23, 13: hence chance of drawing W is 23.12+13.34; i. e. 512.

Hence first course gives best chance. Q. E. F.

17. (4)


Let ABC be the given Triangle, and DE the line required.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

From D, E, draw DF, EG, parallel to the sides. Then DF+EG=DE.

Because BE is a Parallelogram, DB=EG;

similarly EC=DF;


Hence construction.


Bisect ∠s B, C, by BH, CH, meeting at H; through H draw DE parallel to BC; and from D, E, draw DF, EG, parallel to AC, AB.

Because DE is parallel to BC,



Similarly EC=EH.


Because BE, DC are Parallelograms,

EG=DB, and DF=EC;

DF+EG=DE. Q. E. F.

18. (5, 21)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

(1) Call required Point E. From E draw EF, FG perp sides. Join FG. From F, G, draw FH, GK perp BC. Call BEx’, and ECy’.

Now FH must =GK.

Also EF=xB; and FH=EFFEH,
similarly, GK=yCC.

But FH=GK; xBB=yCC;

xy=2C2B. Q. E. F.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

(2) At B, C, make right angles ABD, ACD; and join AD, cutting BC at E. From E draw EF, EG ⊥ sides; and join FG.

BD, FE are AB, ∴ they are ∥; AF:FB::AE:ED;

CD, GE are AC, ∴ they are ∥; AG:GC::AE:ED;


FG is parallel to BC. Q. E. F.

19. (5, 21)

Call the bags A, B, C; so that A contains a white counter and a black one; &c.

The chances of the orders ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA, are, a priori, 16 each. Since they are equal, we may, instead of multiplying each by the probability it gives to the observed event, simply assume those probabilities as being proportional to the chances after the observed event.

These probabilities are:—
for ABC, 12×13; i. e. 16.
for ACB, 12×14; i. e. 18.
for BAC, 23×12; i. e. 13.
for BCA, 23×14; i. e. 16.
for CAB, 34×12; i. e. 38.
for CBA, 34×13; i. e. 14.

Hence the chances are proportional to 4, 3, 8, 4, 9, 6; i. e. they are these Nos. divided by 34.

Hence the chance, of drawing a white counter from the remaining bag; is 134.{4×34+3×23+8×34+4×12+9×23+6×12};

i. e. 134×{3+2+6+2+6+3}; i. e. 2234; i. e. 1117.

20. (5)


A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Let ABC be the given Triangle, and P the required Point. Draw PQBC, and PRAB. Then PQ=PR.

Hence PCtanC=PBB;

PC:PB::B:tanC, (draw ADBC,)



Hence construction.


From A draw ADBC. Produce BA to E, making AE equal to DC. Join EC. From A draw AP parallel to EC; and from P draw PQBC, and PBAB.


Q. E. F.

21. (5, 21)

(1) The nth term is n.n+2¯.n+4¯;

∴ the (n+1)th term is n+1¯.n+3¯.n+5¯;

=(n+1).(n+2¯+1).(n+5);=n+1¯.n+2¯.n+5¯+n+1¯.n+5¯=n+1¯.n+2¯.(n+3¯+2)+n+1¯.(n+2¯+3);=n+1¯.n+2¯.n+3¯+2.n+1¯.n+2¯+n+1¯.n+2¯+3.n+1¯;=n+1¯.n+2¯.n+3¯+3.n+1¯.n+2¯+3.n+1¯.S=n.n+1¯.n+2¯.n+3¯4+n.n+1¯.n+2¯+52.n.n+1¯+C; and C=0.


Q. E. F.

(2) S, to 100 terms, =; now 101.105=10,605;


and twice this =274,000+1730=275,730;

S=27,573,000. Q. E. F.

22. (5, 21)

Triangle ABC with altitude in A.

Call given altitudes ‘α, β, γ’.

Now aα=bβ=cγ;


Aβγ=Bγα=Cαβ=k (say);

A=kβγ, B=kγα, C=kαβ.

Now (A+B)=C;






∴, squaring, (4A+&c.)22A2B22A2C+22B2C=42B2C(12A);


∴, substituting for A, &c., and dividing by k4, (β4γ4+&c.)2α2β2γ2.(α2+&c.)+4k2α4β4γ4=0;


Now A=kβγ, &c.; which answers (2).

Also α=bC; and similarly γ=aB;

a=γB=γkγα=1kα, &c.; which answers (1).

Also area =bcA2=12.1kβ.1kγ.kβγ=12k; which answers (3). Q. E.

23. (5, 21)

The original chances, as to states of bag, are
for 2 W 14;
1 W, 1 B 12;
2 B 14.

∴ the chances, after adding 2 W and 1 B, are
for 4 W, 1 B 14;
3 W, 2 B 12;
2 W, 3 B 14.

Now the chances, which these give to the observed event, drawing 2 W and 1 B, are 35, 35, 310.

∴ the chances, after this event, are proportional to 320, 310, 340; i. e. to 2, 4, 1. Hence they are 27, 47, 17.

Hence the chances, as to states now are
for 2 W 27;
1 W, 1 B 47;
2 B 17.

∴ the chances, after adding 1 W, are
for 3 W 27;
2 W, 1 B 47;
1 W, 2 B 17.

Now the chances, which these give to the observed event, of drawing 1 W, are 1, 23, 13.

∴ the chances, after this event, are proportional to 27, 821, 121; i. e. to 6, 8, 1. Hence they are 615, 815, 115.

Hence the chance, that the bag now contains 2 white, is 615; i. e. 25. Q. E. F.

24. (6, 21)

A mathematical diagram as in the problem.




Hence DODA+EOEB+FOFC=1. Q. E. F.

25. (6, 22)

Let ‘E’ mean ‘having lost an eye’, ‘A’ ‘having lost an arm’, and ‘L’ ‘having lost a leg’.

Then the state of things which gives the least possible number of those who, being E and A, are also L, may evidently be found by arranging the patients in a row, so that the EA-class may begin from one end of the row, and the L-class from the other end, and counting the portion where they overlap; and, the smaller the EA-class, the smaller will be this common portion: hence we must make the EA-class a minimum.


This may be done by re-arranging the patients, so that the E-class may begin from one end of the row, and the A-class from the other: and the least possible number for the EA-class is the common portion, i. e. (ϵ1α¯), i. e. (ϵ+α1).


Then, as already shown, the least possible number for the EAL-class is the common portion, i. e. (ϵ+α11λ¯), i. e. (ϵ+α+λ2). Q. E. F.

26. (6)


Let ABC be the given Triangle, and ABC the required one; and let the ratio, which BC has to BC, be ‘k’; so that k is less than 1.

Since BB=CC, and that BC, BC, are parallel, it may easily be proved, by dropping perpendiculars from B, C, upon BC, which must necessarily be equal, that ∠s BBC, CCB, are equal.

Similarly, ∠s AAC, CCA, are equal; and so are ∠s AAB, BBA.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Call BBCθ’; then CCB=θ;



Now ∠s BBC, BBA, together =B;




Hence, if BB, CC, be produced to meet at D, Triangle DBC will be isosceles, with a vertical ∠ equal to 2A.

Now, if a Circle be drawn about ABC, and its centre joined to B and C, the Triangle, so formed, will fulfil the same conditions;

hence the centre of this Circle will be D;

hence the construction.


Bisect the sides, and draw perpendiculars, meeting at D. Join D to the vertices B, C. From DB cut off DB=k.DB. From B draw BC parallel to BC.

Then BC is easily proved equal to k.BC.

And if, from B, C, parallels to AB, AC, be drawn, it may easily be proved that they meet on DA, and that they are respectively equal to k.AB, k.AC. Q. E. F.

27. (6, 22)

Call the bags A, B, C.

If remaining bag be A, chances of observed event =12 chance of drawing white from B and black from C +12 chance of drawing black from B and white from C:

i. e. it =12.{23×12+13×12}=14.

Similarly, if remaining bag be B, it is 12.{56.12+16.12}=14; and, if it be C, it is 12.{56.13+16.23}=736.

∴ chances of remaining bag being A, B, or C, are as 14 to 14 to 736; i. e. as 9 to 9 to 7. ∴ they are, in value, 9,9,725.

Now, if remaining bag be A, chance of drawing white from it is 56; ∴ chance, on this issue, is 56.925=310; similarly, for B, it is 23.925=625; and, for C, 12.725=750. And entire chance of drawing white from the remaining bag is the sum of these; i. e. 15+12+750=3450=1725.

28. (7, 22)

Let ABC be the given Triangle; and let its sides be divided internally at A, B, C, in extreme and mean ratio.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

And let M be the area of ABC.

Let BA=x; then x2=a.(ax);

i. e. x2+axa2=0;

x=a±a52=a2.(51), the other sign being excluded by the terms of the question.

Then area of Triangle ABC =12.c2.(51).{bb2.(51)}.A, =18.(51)(35)bc.A, =14.(458).M=(52).M.

Similarly for BCA and CAB.

Hence the sum of these 3 Triangles =3.(52).M, and area of Triangle ABC=(735).M. Q. E. F.

29. (7)

This may be deduced from the identity (a2+b2).(c2+d2)=a2c2+b2d2+a2d2+b2c2.


=a2c2+b2d2+2acbd+a2d2+b2c22adbc,or else=a2c2+b2d22acbd+a2d2+b2c2+2adbc;}

i. e.=(ac+bd)2+(adbc)2,or else=(acbd)2+(ad+bc)2.}

Now, if these last 2 sets are identical, (ac+bd) must =(ad+bc); for it cannot =(acbd);

i. e., a(cd)b(cd) must =0;

i. e., (ab).(cd) must =0;

i. e., one or other of the first 2 sets is the sum of 2 identical squares.

Hence, contranominally, if each of the original sets consists of 2 different squares, their product gives the sum of 2 squares in 2 different ways. Q. E. D.

30. (7)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.


Let ABC be the Triangle: and suppose BC so placed that BD, CE, drawn parallel to the sides, shall together =2BC.

By Euc. I. 34, BD=CB, and CE=BC: BC+CB=2BC.

Hence, if BL be cut off equal to half BC, CL= half CB.

Hence construction.


In BC take any point F: draw FG, BC, and equal to half BF: and join BG.

Similarly, in CB take any point H: draw HK, BC, and equal to half HC: and join CK.

Produce BG, CK, to meet at L: and through L draw CBBC: and from B, C, draw BD, CE, ∥ the sides.

FG= half FB; ∴, by similar Triangles, CL= half CB;

Similarly BL= half BC;

CB= half sum of CB, BC; i. e. CB+BC=2BC:

But, by Euc. I. 34, CB=BD, and BC=CE;

BD+CE=2BC. Q. E. F.

31. (7, 22)

On July 1, watch gained on clock 5m. in 10h.; i. e. 12m. per hour; i. e. 2m. in 4h. Hence, when watch said ‘noon’, clock said ‘12h. 2m.’; i. e. clock was 3m. slow of true time, when true time was 12h. 5m.

On July 30, watch lost on clock 1m. in 10h.; i. e. 6sec. per hour; i. e. 19sec. in 3h. 10m. Hence, when watch said ‘12h. 10m.’, clock said ‘12h. 7m. 19sec.’; i. e. clock was 2m. 19sec. fast of true time, when true time was 12h. 5m.

Hence clock gains, on true time, 5m. 19sec. in 29 days; i. e. 319sec. in 29 days; i. e. 11sec. per day; i. e. 1124×12sec. in 5m.

Hence, while true time goes 5m., watch goes 5m11288sec.

Now, when true time is 12h. 5m. on July 31, clock is (2m. 19sec. + 11sec.) fast of it; i. e. says ‘12h712m.’ Hence, if true time be put 5m. back, clock must be put 5m 11288sec. back; i. e. must be put back to 12h. 2m29277288sec.

Hence, on July 31, when clock indicates this time, it is true noon. Q. E. F.

32. (8, 22)

The nth term is n.(n+4);

∴ the (n+1)th term is (n+1).(n+5)=(n+1).{(n+2)+3},


Sn=n.(n+1).(n+2)3+3.n.(n+1)2+C; and C=0;

Sn=n.(n+1).(n+23+32)=n.(n+1).(2n+13)6. Q. E. F.

Also S100=100.101.2136=100.101.712=100.71712=7171002=358550. Q. E. F.

33. (8)

A circle around the origin of a coordinate system, with inscribed trapezium, BC and DE half of the parallel sides.

Let DE=x; BC=2x.

Area =3x.(r2x2+r24x2)= max.

let v=x.(r2x2+r24x2)= max.






∴, omitting r6, and dividing by x2, 48x460r2x2+9r4=0; i. e.\16x420r2x2+3r4=0;

x2r2=20±20832=5138 (upper sign being inadmissible, though this was not thought out.) Q. E. F.

34. (8)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.


Let A be the given Point, and C the centre of the given Circle. Join AC, and let ABD be the required Line. From B draw the Chord BE parallel to AC. Then DBE=A. Hence ArcDE=ArcBD; i. e. ArcBE is bisected by D; i. e. D is on perpendicular from C.


A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Join AC. From C draw CD perpendicular to AC. Join AD cutting Circle at B. From B draw BE parallel to AC.

It is easily proved that ArcBD=ArcDE. Hence ArcBD subtends, in the circle, to angle =DBE=A. Q. E. F.

35. (8)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Let ABC be the given Triangle; and let the portions of the radii, outside the Triangle, have to the radius the given ratios k:1, l:1, m:1. (N.B. k, l, m, are supposed to be proper fractions.)

From B draw BDBA, and BEBC; and make BD have, to BE, the ratio 1m:1k. Through D draw DF parallel to BA, and EF parallel to BC; and join BF. From F draw FGBA, and FHBC.

Then FG:FH::1m:1k.

Similarly, draw CO so that the ⊥s, drawn from any Point of it to CA and CB, are in the ratio 1l:1k; and produce BF to meet it at O.

From O draw OA, OB, OC, ⊥ the sides.

Then OA:OB:OC::1k:1l:1m.

Produce OA to K, so that OK:OA::1:1k.

With centre O, and distance OK, describe a Circle; and produce OB, OC, to meet it at L, M.

Now OK:OA::1:1k;



Similarly, OK:OC::1:1m.

But AK:OK::OKOA:OK::k:1.

Similarly BL:radius::l:1, and CM:radius::m:1. Q. E. F.

36. (8)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.


Let BC be required Line: and let ∠ at C be right.

Cut off CD equal to CB: then DB=BC.

Join DB, DC: then DBC=45°, and BDC=BCD.

From C draw CEAB.



Hence construction. Draw CEAB: bisect ACE: at B make ABD=45°. Let these lines meet at D. Through D draw BDCAB.

Then CDB=π(DCB+CBD)=45°=CBD;




CB= sum of BC, CB. Q. E. F.

Limits of possibility:—
A must not be >90°;
B must not be <45°;
C must not be < half complement of A,
i. e. not <(45°A2).

37. (8, 22)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Let BC be the common chord, and A, D, the centres.

Let A=30°, and D=60°.

And let BC (which =DB=DC) =1.

And let AB=x.

Now A=32=2x212x2;

32=112x2; 12x2=232;


∴ area of Circles are π.(2+3) and π;

∴ area of Sectors are π.2+312 and π6;

∴ their sum =π.4+312.

Again, area of Triangle ABC=12.(2+3).12,


also area of Triangle DBC=34;

∴ their sum =2+234=1+32.

Now the portion, of the smaller Circle, that is within the larger one, is the difference between these two sum;

∴ it =π.4+3121+32.

Hence its ratio, to the area of the smaller Circle, is this sum divided by π;

∴ it =4+3121+32π,


=⋅4781⋅7364=⋅478⋅434=⋅044. Q. E. F.

38. (9, 22)

Taking, in order, the bag from which this unknown counter is drawn, the bag from which a red one was twice drawn, and the remaining bag, we see that there are six possible arrangement of ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’: viz.—

(1) ABC,(4) BCA,
(2) ACB,(5) CAB,
(3) BAC,(6) CBA.

Now the chance of the observed event is, in case (1), 1×49=49; in case (2), 1×19=19; in case (3), 23×1=23; in case (4), 23×19=227; in case (5), 13×1=13; and in case (6), 13×49=427.

Hence the chances of existence, for these 6 states, are proportional to ‘12, 3, 18, 2, 9, 4’. Hence their actual values are ‘14, 116, 38, 124, 316, 112’.

Hence the chance of the unknown counter being red is the sum of 14×1, 116×1, 38×23, 124×23, 316×13, 11213; i. e. it is 36+9+36+4+9+49×16; which =989×16=4972. Q. E. F.

39. (9, 22)

Let x= no. of days.

Then (2×10x1¯).x2=14+{2×2+x1¯.2}.x2; i. e. 21x2x22=14+x+x2;

3x219x+28=0; x=19±56=4 or 73.

Now the above solution has taken no account of the discontinuity of increase, or decrease of pace, and is the true solution only on the supposition that the increase or decrease is continuous, and such as to coincide with the above data at the end of each day. Hence ‘4’ is a correct answer; but ‘73’ only indicates that a meeting occurs during the third day. To find the hour of this, let y= no. of hours.

Now in 2 days A has got to the end of 19 miles, B to the end of (14+6), i. e. 20.


i. e. y.23=1+y.12; y=6.

Hence they meet at the and of 2d. 6h., and at the end of 4d.: and the distances are 23 miles, and 34 miles. Q. E. F.

40. (9)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

(1) Let ABC be the given Triangle, and AD the line from the vertex.

From D draw DE, DF, parallel to the sides; and from E and F draw EG, FH, BC.

Then Triangles FBD, EDC, are similar to ABC;


and EG:AD::DC:BC;



Also, ∵ Triangles AED, AFD, are equal and on the same base AD,

∴ their altitudes are equal; i. e. DH=DG. Q. E. F.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

(2) Let ABC be the given Triangle, and AD the line from the vertex.

Make CE=BD; from E draw EF, EG, parallel to the sides; and from F, G, draw FH, GK, BC.

Then Triangles GBE, FEC, are similar to ABC;


and FH:AD::EC:BC;



Also BK:BE::BD:BC;



BK=HC. Q. E. F.

41. (9, 23)

(1) As there was certainly at least one W in the bag at first, the ‘a priori’ chances for the various states of the bag, ‘WWWW, WWWB, WWBB, WBBB,’ were ‘18, 38, 38, 18’.

These would have given, to the observed event, the chances ‘1, 12, 16, 0’.

Hence the chances, after the event, for the various states, are proportional to ‘18.1, 38.12, 38.16’; i. e. to ‘18, 316, 116’; i. e. to ‘2, 3, 1’. Hence their actual values are ‘13, 12, 16’.

Hence the chance, of now drawing W, is ‘13.1+12.12’; i. e. it is 712. Q. E. F.

(2) If he had not spoken, the ‘a priori’ chances for the states ‘WWWW, WWWB, WWBB, WBBB, BBBB’, would have been ‘1,4,6,4,116.’

These would have given, to the observed event, the chances ‘1, 12, 16, 0, 0’.

Hence the chances, after the event, for the various states, are proportional to ‘116.1, 14.12, 16.38’; i. e. to ‘1, 2, 1’. Hence their actual values are ‘14, 12, 14’.

Hence the chance, of now drawing W, is ‘14.1+12.12’; i. e. it is 12. Q. E. F.

42. (10, 23)

Let ABC be the given Triangle. Bisect its angles, and draw ⊥s to them, forming the Triangle ABC.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Now CBA=90°B2; and so of the others.



Similarly, BC=c.A2C2;



Similarly, AB=cC2;

∴ area of ABC=bcA22B2C2;

area of ABCarea of ABC=bcA22B2C22bcA,



=abc2(sa).(sb).(sc). Q. E. F.

43. (10)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Let ABC be the given Triangle; and let BFD, CFB, be the required lines, so that FB=FC, and Tetragon AEFD = Triangle FBC. And call the angle FBCθ’. It will suffice to calculate this angle.

Because Triangle FBC = Tetragon AEFD,

Triangle DBC=Triangle AEC,=Triangle ABCTriangle EBC;

∴ Triangles DBC, EBC, together = Triangle ABC;






cotθ=12.{cotB+cotC±(5cot2B+6cotBcotC+5cot2C)}. Q. E. F.

44. (10)

Let k be a No. not containing 2 or 5 as a factor, i. e. let it be prime to 10. Then, if 1k be reduced to a circulating decimal, and that to a vulgar fraction, the digits of the denominator will be a certain number of 9’s; i. e. it will be of the form (10n1). And since this fraction =1k, and that k is prime to 10, and so prime to 10m, the factor (10n1) must be a multiple of k.

This evidently holds good in any other scale of notation. Hence, if a be the radix of the scale of notation, and b a No. prime to a, a value may be found for n, which will make (an1) a multiple of b. Q. E. D.

Examples (not thought out)

(1) With radix 10, find a value, for n, which will make (10n1) a multiple of 7. 17=1˙42857˙=1428571061. Ans. n=6.

(2) Let the two given Nos. be 8, 9.

Taking 8 as radix, we get 19=0˙7˙=7821.
Ans. n=2.

(3) Let the two given Nos. be 7, 13.

Taken 7 as radix, we get 113=0˙35245631421˙=352456314217121. Ans. n=12.

45. (10, 23)

Divide each rod into (n+1) parts, where n is assumed to be odd, and the n points of division are assumed to be the only points where the rod will break, and to be equally frangible.

The chance of one failure is n1n;

∴ „ „ n failures is (n1n)n


Now, if m=1n; then, when n=10, m=0;

∴ the chance that no rod is broke in the middle =(1m)1m, when m=0;

i. e. it approaches the limit (10)10.

And Ans. =1(10)10.

Now (10)10=e. Hence if, in the series for e, we call the sum of the odd terms ‘a’, and of the even terms ‘b’; then e=a+b; and (10)10=ab=2ae. Q. E. F.

[N.B. What follows here was not thought out.]

Now a=1+12+14+&c.


46. (10)

Mathematical diagrams as described in the text.

Let ABC be the given Triangle, and D the given Point.

If we make a Triangle DEF, having its angles equal to the given angles, and having D as its assigned vertex, the Problem may be solved, if we can circumscribe, about the Triangle DEF, a Triangle similar to ABC.

Now we can construct, on EF, FD, DE, segments of Circles containing angles equal to A, B, C. Hence the Problem may be solved, if we can place, in these Circles, a line BDC, divided in the same proportion as BDC.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

This Lemma may be solved as follows. Let G, H, be the centres of the Circles. Join GH, and divide it, at K, proportionally to BDC.

Join KD; through D draw BDCKD; and from G, H, draw GL, HM, BC.

Now it may be easily proved that LD:DM::GK:KH::BD:DC.

But BD, DC, are doubles of LD, DM; BD:DC::BD:DC. Q. E. F.

[The construction is now obvious, viz. to join BF, CE, and produce them to meet, on the third Circle (as they may be easily proved to do), at A; then to divide AB, AC, at F and E, proportionally to AFB, AEC; and then to join DE, DF..]

47. (11, 23)

By inspection, ‘0, 0, 0’ are one set of values.

Subtracting, we get x.(1y1z)=yz;

x=yz.yzzz=yz, unless y=z, in which case x=00.

Now, by (1), x=xyyz;

∴, whey yz, x=xy+x;

xy=0, unless x be infinite.

Similarly, by (2), xz=0, unless x be infinite.

Hence, if x be finite, and if yz, either x or y=0, and also either x or z=0; i. e. either x=0, or else y=z=0. But the latter is excluded by our hypothesis. Hence x=0. Hence yz=0; i. e. either y or z=0, and the other my take any value.

This gives us 2 more sets of values, viz.
x=y=0; z has any value;
x=z=0; y has any value.

We have now to ascertain what happens when y=z.

By (1), xy=xy;

y2=x.(y1); i. e. x=y2y1.

Similarly, by (2), x=z2z1.

This gives us a 4th set of values, viz. x=k2k1, y=z=k; where k has any value.

Now y and z may evidently have any raal values, but x is restricted by the equation y2xy+x=0, in which y cannot be real, unless (x24x)>0. Hence x may have any negative value, and any positive value that is not less than 4; but it cannot have any positive value, less than 4, without making y unreal. Q. E. F.

48. (11)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Let ABC be the given Triangle, A, B, C, the centres of the semicircles, and DE, FG, HJ, the common tangents; so that DE=α, FG=β, and HJ=γ.

Join BD, CE; and from C draw CKBD. Hence CK=α.

Call sides of given Triangle ‘2a, 2b, 2c’.

Then BC=a, and BK=bc;


i. e. α={(ab+c).(a+bc)};

similarly, β={(a+bc).(a+b+c)},
and γ={(a+b+c).(ab+c)};


similarly, γαβ=ab+c,
and αβγ=a+bc;

∴ their sum =a+b+c,
= semi-perimeter of ABC. Q. E. D.

49. (11, 23)

Take, as unit, a side of one of the Triangles.

If the Tetrahedron be cut by a vertical Plane containing one of the slant edges, the section is a Triangle whose base is 32, and whose sides are 32, 1;

hence cosine of smaller base-angle =(34+134).13=13;

∴ its sine =23= its altitude;

and this is the altitude of the Tetrahedron;

∴ volume of Tetrahedron =13.23.34=212.

Also altitude of Pyramid = altitude of Triangle whose base is 2, and whose sides are 1, 1;

i. e. it =22;

∴ volume of Pyramid =13.22=26.

Hence required ratio =26.122=2. Q. E. F.

50. (11, 23)

At first, the chance that bag H shall contain

2 W counters,is 14.
1 W and 1 B,is 12.
2 B,is 14.

∴, after adding a W, the chance that it shall contain

3 W,is 14.
2 W, 1 B,is 12.
1 W, 2 B,is 14.

hence the chance of drawing a W from it is 14×1+12×23+14×13: i. e. 23.

∴ the chance of drawing a B is 13.

After transferring this (unseen) counter to bag K, the chace that it shall contain

3 W,is 23×14;i. e. 16.
2 W, and 1 B,is 23×12+13×14;i. e. frac512.
1 W, and 2 B,is 23×14+13×12;i. e. frac13.
3 B,is 13×14;i. e. 112;

∴ the chance of drawing a W from it is 16×1+512×23+13×13;i. e. 59.

∴ the chance of drawing a B is 49.

Before transferring this to bag H, the chance that bag H shall contain

2 W,is14×1+12×13;i. e. 512.
1 W, 1 B,12×23+14×23;i. e. 12.
2 B,14×13;i. e. 112.

∴, after transferring it, the chance that bag H shall contain

3 W,is512×59;i. e. 25108.
2 W, 1 B,512×49+12×59;i. e. 50108.
1 W, 2 B,12×49+112×59;i. e. 22108.
3 B,112×49;i. e. 4108.

Hence the chance of drawing a W is 1108×{25×1+50×23+29×13}; i. e. 1727. i. e. the odds are 17 to 10 on its happening. Q. E. F.

51. (12)

Let ABC be the given Triangle, and D the given Point.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.


Let DE be the line required. Draw DF, EG, ⊥ the base. Then their sum is equal to DE.

Bisect DE at H, and draw HK ⊥ the base: then it is evident that HK is the A. M. of DF, EG, and is equal to half their sum; i. e. it is equal to half of DE. Hence a Circle, drawn with centre H and at distance HD, will pass through E and K, and will touch the base at K.

Through H draw LHM parallel to AC. Then DA is evidently bisected at L. Also LM passes through the centre of the Circle. Hence, if DN be drawn ⊥ LM (or CA), it is a chord of the Circle, and is bisected at R. Produce ND to meet the base produced at S. Hence SDN cuts the Circle, and SK touches it at K. But S can be found, and SK can then be taken, so that sq. of SK may be equal to rect. of SD, SN.


From D draw DNAC, and produce it to meet the base produced at S. Take SK, so that its square may be equal to rect. of SD, SN.

Bisect DA at L, and from L draw LM parallel to AC; and from K draw KH ⊥ the base, to meet LM at H. Join DH, and produce it to meet AC at E, and draw DF, EG, ⊥ the base.

Because DL=LA, and that LM is parallel to AC,


But DF+EG=2HK; DF+EG=DE. Q. E. F.

[N.B. This proof is incomplete. I have assumed, without proving it, that DH=HK. It may be proved thus. Because sq. of SK = rect. of SD, SN, ∴ DN is a chord of a Circle which touches the base at K; ∴ LM, which bisects it at right angles, passes through the centre. But KH also passes through the centre; ∴ H is the centre; HD=HK.]

52. (12, 23)

Let x be the number of pennies each had at first.

No. (3) received x, took out (2+4), and put in x2; so that the sack then contained (x.326). Let us write ‘a’ for ‘32.’

No. (5) received (xa6), took out (4+1), and put in enough to multiply, by a, its contents when he received it. The sack now contained (xa26a5).

No. (2) took out (1+3), and handed on (xa36a25a4).

No. (4) took out (3+5), and handed on (xa46a35a24a8).

No. (1) put in 2. The sack now contained 5x.

Hence xa46a35a24a6=5x; x=6a3+5a2+4a+6a45;=6.33+5.32.2+4.3.22+6.23).2345.24;=162+90+48+48).28180=696=2l. 18s. 0d. Q. E. F.

53. (13, 24)

Let ABC be the given Triangle, and P the given Point; and call its trilinear co-ordinates ‘α, β, γ’.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

From P draw PA, PB, PC, ⊥ the sides, and therefore equal to α, β, γ. Produce PA and PC to A and C, making AA=PA, and CC=PC. From C draw CDAC, and produce it to E, making DE=CC. Join EA, cutting AC in R, and BC in S. Join CR, cutting AB in Q. Join PQ, PS.

The path of the ball is evidently PQRSP; and we have to calculate the length of AR.


First, to calculate DR.

From P draw PU, PV, parallel to AB, AC; from C draw CWPV; and from A draw AFAC.

By similar Triangles, DR:RF::DE:AF::CD:AF;



Now CVP=A; CPV=90°A;


DB, which =2WP, =2γA.

Similarly, BF=2αC;


Again, CW=γA;

CD, which =2CW+PB, =2γA+β.

Similarly, AF=2αC+β;







AR=(aC+γA).(2γA+β)αC+γA+β+βA+γ2AA. Q. E. F.

54. (13, 24)

Triangle ABC with inscribed hexagon DEHJFG as in problem.

It is evident that Triangle ADE is similar to ABC.

Let ‘k’ = ratio DEa=AEb=ADc.

Now DG=DE; DG=ka;


GF (which =GB.bc);

but GF=DE=ka;;



Hence AD=c.1am; DG=1m=c.1cm.

GB(which =cADDG)=c.(m1a1c)m=c.1bm;


Also DE=ka=1m=11a+1b+1c. Q. E. F.

55. (13)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text, PD, PE, PF are the tangents.

Let A, B, C be the centres of the bases of the towers; and a, b, c their radii. Suppose P the required Point; and from P draw a pair of tangents to each circle, and lines to the centres, which will evidently bisect the angles contained by the pairs of tangents.

Hence angles APD, BPE, CPF are equal;


i. e. AP:BP:CP::a:b:c.

Draw a Line through A, B, and on it take Points G, H, such that AG:GB::AH:HB::a:b.

Then the Semicircle, described on GH, is the locus of all Points whose distances, from A and B, are proportional to a, b.

Hence, if a Line be drawn through B, C, and a Semicircle described which shall be the locus of all Points whose distances, from B and C, are proportional to b, c; the intersection of these two Semicircles will be the Point required. Q. E. F.

[Note. “The locus of all Points whose distances &c.,” if represented algebraically, is evidently a Circle, whose centre is on the Line through A, B, and which passes through G and H.]

56. (13, 24)

Draw BC, CE, BD, equal to the given altitudes, so as to form right ∠s at B and C; and produce DB, EC. Join DC, and draw CF ⊥ to it. Join EB, and draw BG ⊥ to it. With centre B, and distance BF, describe a circle: with centre C, and distance CG, describe another: let them meet at A: and join AB, AC.

Call the altitudes of ABC, ‘α, β, γ’.

Now α.BC=β.CA=γ.AB
= twice area of ABC;

also, taking BC as unit-line,




i. e. α, β, γ are proportional to given altitudes;

∴ Triangle ABC is similar to required Triangle.

The rest of the construction is obvious. Q. E. F.

57. (14, 25)

(1) Geometrically.

Let ABC be given Triangle.


A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Suppose the 3 Squares described, and that their upper edges form the Triangle ABC. Join AA, BB, CC.

Now it is evident that, if BB be produced, the perpendiculars dropped, from any Point of it, upon AB, BC, will be proportional to BF, BD.

Similarly for AA and CC.

Hence these 3 Lines will meet at the Point from which the perpendiculars, dropped upon the sides of ABC, are proportional to BC, CA, AB.

Hence, if Squares be described externally on the sides of ABC, and if their outer edges be produced to form a new Triangle ABC: this Triangle, with these 3 Squares, will form a Diagram wholly similar to that formed by the Triangle ABC, with the 3 Squares inside it.


Hence, if Squares be described externally on the sides of the given Triangle; and if their outer edges be produced to form a new Triangle; and if the sides of the given Triangle be divided similarly to thoses of the new Triangle: their central portions will be the bases of the required Squares. Q. E. F.

(2) Trigonometrically.

Let a, b, c be the sides of the given Triangle, and m its area; and let x, y, z be the sides of the required Squares.

It is evident that a Circle can be described about the Tetragon BDBF.

Hence BBD=BFD.

Now, in Triangle BFD, we know that BDD=BFF;

i. e. x(B+F)=zF;


Now B is supplementary to B;



Now BD=xcotBBD;


Similarly, EC=y+xCC.

But BD+EC=ax;



i. e. xA+yB+zCBC=ax.

Now it is evident that these Triangles are similar; so that ax=by=cz.

Hence, multiplying the last equation, throughout, by one or other of these equal fractions, we get aA+bB+cCBC=a2xa; aA+bB+cCaBC=ax1; ax=aA+bB+cCaBC+1.

Hence, multiplying above and below by one or other of the equal fractions aA, bB, cC, ax=a2+b2+c2abC+1;=a2+b2+c22m+1=by=cz. Q. E. F.

58. (14, 25)

It may be assumed that the 3 Points form a Triangle, the chance of their lying in a straight Line being (practically) nil.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Take the longest side of the Triangle, and call it ‘AB’: and, on that side of it, on which the Triangle lies, draw the semicircle AFB. Also, with centres A, B, and distances AB, BA, draw the arcs BDC, AEC, intersecting at C.

Then it is evident that the vertex of the Triangle cannot fall outside the Figure ABDCE.

Also, if it fall inside the semicircle, the Triangle is obtuse-angled: if outside it, acute-angled. (The chance, of its falling on the semicircle, is practically nil.)

Hence required chance =area of semicirclearea of fig. ABDCE.

Now let AB=2a: then area of semicircle =πa22; and area of Fig. ABDCE=2×sector ABDCTriangle ABC;


∴ chance =π24π33=3863π. Q. E. F.

59. (14, 25)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Let KL=MN=a,

and let ∠s LMK, MKL, KLM be equal to ‘A, B, C’; and similarly for the ∠s of the other facets.

From K draw KT ⊥ base-facet LMN. Also draw KR, KS, ⊥ LM, MN. And join TR, TM, TS.

It is easily proved that ∠s TRM, TSM are right.

The required volume is 13.KT.LMN. The area of LMN is of course known. All we need is the length of KT. Now KT2=KS2TS2; and KS evidently =c.B. Hence all we need is the length of TS.

Now this requires a preliminary Lemma, in itself a very pretty problem, viz.—

Lemma (1).

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Given, in Tetragon RMST, sides RM, MS, and RMS, and that ∠s TRM, TSM are right: find TS.




TSMRS=MSMRS; i. e. TS=MScotMRS. Q. E. F.

Hence this requires another Lemma, in order to find the value of cotMRS (or tanMRS, which will do as well, and makes a prettier problem).

Lemma (2).

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Given, in Triangle RMS, sides RM, MS, and RMS: find tanMRS.


Q. E. F.

Hence, in Tetragon RMST, we have by Lemma (1), TS=MScotMRS; and, by Lemma (2), cotMRS=RMMSRMSMSRMS, =cAcBCcBC=ABCBC;


Now KT2=KS2TS2;

∴ it =(cB)2c22C.(ABC)2, =c22C.{(BC)2(ABC)2};

therefore KT=cC multiplied by 2B2C2B2C2A+2ABC,

=cC multiplied by (12B).(12C)2B2C2A+2ABC, =cC.1(2A+2B+2C)+2ABC, which is symmetrical, as it ought to be.

Now area of LMN=abC2;

hence volume of Tetrahedron abc6.1(2A+2B+2C)+2ABC. Q. E. F.

60. (14, 25)

A mathematical diagram as described in the problem and the text.

Let BAD=θ, CAD=ϕ.

Now (B+θ)θ=c(mam+n) =c.(m+n)ma;



i. e. cotθ=(m+n).bB.A+nacotBma, =(m+n)acotA+nacotBma, =(m+n)cotA+ncotBm.

Similarly, cotϕ=(m+n)cotA+mcotCn. Q. E. F.


(1) mcotθncotϕ=ncotBmcotC.

(2) cotB+cotϕcotC+cotθ=mn.

(3) If Triangle be equilateral, cotθ=m+2nm.13, cotϕ=n+2mn.13; cotθcotϕ=mn+2n2mn+2m2; tanθtanϕ=mn+2m2mn+2n2;

i. e., if CDB be drawn ⊥ to AD, BDDC=mn+2m2mn+2n2; e. g., if mn=12, BDDC=25.

(4) Let tanA=1, tanB=2, tanC=3;
then cotθ=m+n+n.12m=2m+3n2m, cotϕ=m+n+m.12n=3n+4m2n; tanθtanϕ=6mn+8m26mn+9n2;
from which, if tanθtanϕ were given, we could find mn from a Quadratic Equation.

I tried various values, to find one which would give rational values for m and n, and found that 23 would do, as it leads to the Quadratic 2(6mn+9n2)3(6mn+8m2)=0, in which (B24AC) becomes, after dividing all through by 6, (12+4.4.3), i. e. 49.

The Quadratic is 4m2+mn3n2=0;

whence mn=1±78=34; which solves the Problem ‘Given a Triangle ABC, having the tangents of its angles equal to 1, 2, 3: divide BC at D, so that, if AD be joined, and CDB drawn ⊥ to it, the ratio BDDC may be 23’. The answer is ‘Divide it so that BDDC=34’.

61. (14)

We know that the equation (a2+4b2+4c2)+(4a2+b2+4c2)+(4a2+4b2+c2)=9(a2+b2+c2) is identically true.

Hence a2+b2+c2 =19{(a2+4b2+4c2)+(4a2+b2+4c2)+(4a2+4b2+c2)}; =19{(a2+4b2+4c2+8bc4ca4ab)+(4a2+b2+4c24bc+8ca4ab)+(4a2+4b2+c24bc4ca+8ab)}; =19{(a+2b+2c)2+(2ab+2c)2+(2a+2bc)2}; =(a+2b+2c3)2+(2ab+2c3)2+(2a+2bc3)2.

Now (a+2b+2c)=3(b+c)(a+b+c);

∴, if (a+b+c) be a multiple of 3, so also is (a+2b+2c);

a+2b+2c3 is an integer;

and similarly for the other 2 fractions.

Also it may be proved that, if a+2b+2c3 be equal to a, or b, or c, then a, b, c can be arranged in A.P.

First, let a+2b+2c3=a;
then a+2b+2c=3a; i. e. b+c=2a;

secondly, let a+2b+2c3=b;
then a+2b+2c=3b; i. e. 2c=a+b;

thirdly, let a+2b+2c3=c;
then a+2b+2c=3c; i. e. 2b=c+a.

And similarly for the other 2 fractions.

Hence, contranominally, if a, b, c can not be arranged in A.P., then 2 sets of squares have no common term. Q. E. D.

Numerical Examples (not thought out).

62. (14)

Let AB, AC, be the given Lines, and P the given Point.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Through P draw PD parallel to AB; from DC cut off DE equal to AD; join EP, and produce it to meet AB at F.

Because AD=DE, and that DP is parallel to AB,


Now let GPH be any other line through P;

then PFH>PEG.

Because, in Triangles PFH, PEG, PF=PE, and

PH>PG, and Triangle PFH > Triangle PGE.

To each add Tetragon AFPG;

∴ Triangle AGH > Triangle AEF.

Ando so of any other line through P.

Hence AEF is the least possible Triangle. Q. E. F.

63. (15, 26)

A mathematical diagram as described in the problem, the two squares are ABCD with centre J and midpoint L of CD, and EFGH with centre K and L projected to M.

Let each side of each Square =2.

Then LG=3, MG=(21);


Take O as origin, the X-axis ∥ to AD, and Y-axis to AB; and let JK be part of the Z-axis.

Let equation to plane containing Triangle CDG be xα+yβ+zγp=0, where p is length of perpendicular dropped, from O, upon this plane, and meeting it somewhere in LG.

Hence we can find p from equation to LG, in the XZ-plane, which will be xα+zγp=0; now this line contains L, whose co-ordinates are (1,1214), and G, whose co-ordinates are (2,1214);


and 2.α1214.γp=0;



α=2343, γ=213;


Now area of CDG=3;

∴ volume of pyramid, whose base is CDG and whose vertex is O, =2+13.214;

and there are eight such pyramids in the solid;

∴ their sum =8(2+1)3.214.

Also volume of pyramid, whose base is ABCD, and whose vertex is O, =43.214;

and there are 2 such pyramids in the solid;

∴ their sum =83.214;

∴ volume of solid =8(2+2)3.214=8.214.(2+1)3 Q. E. F.

64. (15)

Mathematicals diagram as described in the text.

Let ABC be the given Triangle, and O the given Point; and let OD, its distance from BC, be less than either OE or OF, its distance from CA, AB.

Draw a line GH equal to OE, and GK ⊥ it and equal to OF; and join HK; and about the Triangle GHK describe a Circle; and place in it a line KL equal to OD; and join LH.

Because sqs of KL, LH = sqs of KG, GH, and that KL is less than either KG or GH, ∴ LH is greater than either;

∴ a Circle, with centre O, and radius equal to LH, will cut all three Lines, in two Points each. Describe this Circle.

Then sqs of MD, DO = sqs of PE, EO;
also sq. of LH = sqs of RF, FO;
∴ sqs of MD, DO, LH = sqs of PE, RF, EO, FO;
but sqs of DO, LH = sqs of KL, LH,
= sqs of GH, GK = sqs of EO, FO;
∴ sq. of MD = sqs of PE, RF;
∴ 4 times sq. of MD = 4 times sqs of PE, RF;
i. e. sq. of MN = sqs of PQ, RS.

Hence MN, PQ, RS, can be sides of a right-angled Triangle. Q. E. F.

65. (15)

Calling the angles 1x, 1y, 1z, of 360°, we must have 1x+1y+1z=12; an Indeterminate Equation with 3 unknowns.

Evidently none of them can be so small as 2.

(1) Let x=3; then 1y+1z=16.

Now, if 1y=kk+l×16, 1z will =lk+l×16:
hence k can only be 1, or 2, or 3, or 6; and the same is true of l.

(N.B. It is assumed that the fractions kk+l, lk+l, are in their lowest terms.)

Let 1y be 1z. Then kk+l12.

Then its possible values are 12,so that lk+l=12

This gives 5 sets of values for 1x, 1y, 1z, viz.:
13, 112, 112; 13, 19, 118; 13, 18, 124; 13, 110, 115; 13, 17, 142.

(2) Let x=4. Then 1y+1z=14, and, as before, k can only be 1, or 2, or 4, and the same is true of l.

Hence the possible values for kk+l are 12,so that lk+l=12

This gives 3 more sets of values for 1x, 1y, 1z, viz.
14, 18, 18; 14, 16, 112; 12, 15, 120.

(3) Let x=5; then 1y+1z=910.

Hence denominator must contain factor “3”, and k can be only 1, or 2, or 5, or 10; and the same is true of l.

Hence possible values of kk+l are 12,so that lk+l=12

This gives 2 sets of values for 1x, 1y, 1z, viz.:—
15, 15, 110; 15, 14, 120;
but the latter (a fact overlooked in thinking out) we have had already.

(4) Let x=6; then 1y+1z=13.

Hence k can be only 1, or 3, and the same is true of l.

Hence possible values of kk+l are 12,so that lk+l=12

This gives 2 sets of values, viz.:—
16, 16, 16; 16, 14, 112;
but the latter (a fact overlooked in thinking out) we have had already.

There is no use in giving, to x, any values greater than 6; for these would make 1y+1z>13; so that one or other must be >16; i. e. either y or z must <6, and we should get old values over again.

Hence there are 10 different shapes. Q. E. F.

The 10 sets of angles (I am not certain that they were all thought out) are


66. (15, 26)

Write k for αα+β. Now the counters must be either both white, or one white and one black. Let chance of first condition be x; hence chance of second is (1x). Hence chance of drawing white is x×1+(1x)×12.

x+1x2=k;x=2k1; (1x)=22k.

Let a counter now be drawn and prove white; then chance of ‘observed event,’ in 1st condition, is 1, and, in 2nd condition, 12;

Hence the chances, of the existence of these two conditions, are proportional to (2k1)×1, (22k)×12; i. e. are proportional to 2k1, 1k;

hence these chances actually are 2k1k, 1kk;

hence the chance of now drawing white,
is 2k1k×1+1kk×12;
i. e. 3k12k.

Hence the effect of one repetition of the experiment has been to change k into 3k12k.

Hence a second repetition of it will change 3k12k into 3×3k12k12×3k12k; i. e. into 7k36k2.

We have now to discover the law (if there is one) for the series k,3k12k,7k36k2, regarding these as identical functions of 1, 2, 3.

We can write the 1st and 2nd term in the form of the 3rd, thus:— k00×k(1),3k12k0,7k36k2 and, by inspection, we see that each is of the form (2n1)×k(2n11)(2n2)×k(2n12), where n denotes the place of the term.

Suppose this law to hold for n terms, what will be the effect of repeating the experiment once more?

We know that it changes k into 3k12k. Hence the new chance will be 3×(2n1)×k(2n11)(2n2)×k(2n12)12×(2n1)×k(2n11)(2n2)×k(2n12); i. e. k×(3.2n32n+2)3.2n1+3+2n12(2n+12)×k(2n2);
i. e. (2n+11)×k(2n1)(2n+12)×k(2n2);

i. e. the n+1¯th term of the series will follow the same law. But we know that the law holds for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd terms. Hence it holds universally.

Hence, after m repetitions of the experiment, the chance of drawing white will be the m+1¯th term of the above series; i. e. it will be (2m+11)×k(2m1)(2m+12)×k(2m2).

Now, for k, write αα+β.

Then chance is (2m+11)×α(2m1).(α+β)(2m+12)×α(2m2).(α+β);
i. e. (2m+12m)α(2m1).β(2m+12m)α(2m2).β;
i. e. 2m.(αβ)+β2m.(αβ)+2β.

Q. E. F.

Example—Let chance be 210; and then 1st experiment be repeated 5 times more.

Hence α=9, β=1;

∴ chance becomes 32×8+132×8+2, i. e. 257258.

67. (16, 26)

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Let ABCD be the socket. Revolve the Tetrahedron until the plane, in it, DOA has taken the new position, meet the socket-rim AC at R. From A draw ALXY-plane. Join OR, and produce it to L. And draw RM, LN, the y-ordinates of R and L.

Then co-ordinates of A are ON, NL, LA.

Call OM, MR, ‘x, y’; and OA, OR, OD, ‘a, a, h’; and XORθ’.

It is evident that the vertical axis of the Tetrahedron always coincides with the Z-axis.

Hence A moves on the surface of a cylinder,

i. e. x2+y2=a2 (1)

Now XAC=150°;

∴ Equation to AC is y=13.(xa);
i. e. x+3.y=a (2)

Also Equation to OR is xθ=yθ=δ;
∴, at R, xθ=yθ=a; (3)

∴, by (2), a.θ+3.a.θ=a;
a=aθ+3.θ. (4)

Also, by similar ▵s DQA, DOR, QA:QD::OR:OD

i. e. a:h::aθ+3.θ:hz;


but θ=xa, and θ=ya;


i. e. (x+3.y).(hz)=ah (5)

Equations (1) and (5) give the required Locus. Q. E. F.

68. (16, 26)

Let the Nos of bottles, taken out on the 3 days, be ‘x, y, z’. Let each bottle have cost 10v pence, and therefore be sold for 11v pence.

Then the Treasurer’s receipts, on the 3 days, were (x1).11v, y.11vv, (z1).11vv; yielding, as profits (i. e. as remainders after deducting cost-price of bottles taken out), xv11v, yvv, zv12v. Then these 3 quantities are equal.

Hence y=x10, and z=x+1;

∴ total No. of bottles, being (x+y+z), =3x9.

Now total profits are (x+y+z).v24v; i. e. (3x33)v;

∴ profit, per bottle =(3x33).v3x9; and this must =6;


Also z.11v=11×240; i. e. (x+1).11v=11×240;





Now 4224×437=17641748=16;

x=42±42=23 or 19;

∴ No. of bottles = 60 or 48; but it is a multiple of 5; ∴ it = 60.

Also (x+1).11v=11×240; i. e. 24v=240;


i. e. the wine was bought @ 8/4 a bottle, and sold @ 9/2 a bottle. Q. E. F.

69. (17, 26)

§ 1. Let BAD=k.A, CBE=l.B, ACF=m.C.

Then ABE=(1l).B.


i. e. k.A+(1l).B=C. (1)

Similarly, l.B+(1m).C=A; (2)

and m.C+(1k).A=B. (3)

A mathematical diagram as described in the problem.

From equations (1) and (3), l and m may be found in terms of k: but these, taken along with k, will not be similar functions of the single variable k. We must have k a certain function of A, B, C, and θ (say); l a similar functions of B, C, A, and θ; and m a similar function of C, A, B, and θ; i. e. we must have k=f(A,B,C,θ),l=f(B,C,A,θ),m=f(C,A,B,θ).

Now we know, by (1), that kAlB=CB;

i. e. A.f(A,B,C,θ)B.f(B,C,A,θ)=CB.

Now, as an experiment, let k.A=xA+yB+zC+θ,l.B=xB+yC+zA+θ; then kAlB=(xz).A+(yx).B+(zy).C;

xz=0; i. e. x=z;

zy=1; i. e. z=y+1.

These conditions will be fulfilled, if we make y=1, and x=z=2; so that kA=2A+B+2C+θ,lB=2B+C+2A+θ; which would make f(A,B,C,θ)mean2A+B+2C+θA.

Now this may evidently be simplified by omitting (A+B+C), which is constant; and we then have k=A+C+θA; or, in a yet simpler form, by again subtracting 180°, k=θBA.

Similarly l=θCB,

m=θAC. Q. E. F.

§ 2. We see that kA=θB, so that ADC is evidently equal to θ; and so are ∠s BEA, CFB.

This gives us a geometrical construction, viz. to draw lines from A, B, C, so that each makes the same angle θ whith the opposite side.

§ 3. Let us now ascertain the limits within which the value of θ must lie.

We know that kA=θB.

Now kAA; θBA; i. e. θA+B;

i. e. θ the supplement of C;

and of course this is true for each of the three angles A, B, C; i. e. if A, B, C, be the order of the angles in a descending order of magnitude, θ supplement of A.

Again kA0.

Hence θB0; i. e. θB;
and of course this is true for each angle.

Hence if A, B, C, be the order in a descending order of mangitude, θA, and 180°A. Q. E. F.

§ 4. We have now to ascertain the ratio which BC bears to BC.

In Triangle ABC, whose ∠s are (θB), (180°θA), (180°C), we have AC=ABACB.ABC=cC.(θ+A)=aA.(θ+A); BC=ABACB.BAC=cC.(θB)=aA.(θB)

∴, by symmetry, AB=aA.(θA).


∴ it =aA{(θ+A)(θA)},

Hence aa=bb=cc=2θ. Q. E. F.

70. (17, 27)

Before folding the Plane containing the Triangles, the locus of their vertices is evidently a Line parallel to their common base. Hence, if the base of the Tetrahedron =1, we may imagine a slip of paper, whose width is 32, attached to the front facet of the Tetrahedron, and wrapped round towards the right; and the upper edge of this slip will evidently be the locus of the vertices. This slip may be conveniently regarded as divided into equilateral Triangles, placed base-downwards and base-upwards alternately, and it is evident that these Triangles will successively cover the facets of the Tetrahedron, in the order ‘front, right side, base, left side, front, &c.’; and its upper edge, made up of the bases of the iverted constituent Triangles, will evidently run as follows. Calling the successive Triangles, after the first (which occupies the front facet of the Tetrahedron), ‘α’ (base-up), ‘β’ (base-down), ‘γ’ (base-up), ‘δ’ (base-down), ‘ϵ’ (base-up), and so on, the locus consists of the bases of α, γ, &c. Now ‘α’ will occupy the right facet, its base coinciding with the back-edge of the Tetrahedron; ‘β’ will occupy the base of the Tetrahedron, its base coinciding with the front-edge; ‘γ’ will occupy the left facet, its base coinciding with the back-edge; and so on. Hence the locus runs down the back-edge; up again; and so on. Which answers Question (1). Q. E. F.

We may therefore, in answering the other three questions, consider the slip before it is folded, and calculate the positions of the vertices along its upper edge: and the problems thus become ‘plane’ ones.

(2) Gives us a right-angled Triangle, whose left-hand base-angle is 15°, and whose altitude is 32. We must calculate its base, and then, deducting half the base of the initial Triangle (i. e. deducting 12), we shall get the distance, measured along the upper edge of the slip, from the vertex of the initial Triangle to the vertex of the given Triangle; and from that we can calculate how many times we must go down and up the back-edge to reach it. Call the base of this right-angled Triangle ‘x’. Then 32÷x=tan15°.

Now call tan15°t’; then 2t1t2=tan30°=13;

1t2=23.t; t2+23.t1=0;

t=23±42= (rejecting negative value) 23.


Deducting 12, we get (3+1) as the required distance.

Now 3=1⋅7&c.; ∴ distance =2⋅7&c.

Hence we must go down back-edge, up again, and then about 7 down again. This answers question (2).

(3) We need to go down the back-edge, and up again; i. e. we must use up the upward bases of ‘α’ and ‘γ’. Hence the base of the required right-angled Triangle is 212. Hence the required left-hand base-angle is tan1(32÷52); i. e.tan135.

Hence, for the required base-angle, we have sincos=35;

sin3=cos5=128; sin=328=8428, =rather over 928;


Now (by mem. tech.) sin1⋅3=17⋅45&c°.
and the required angle is about 15 of the way from one to the other. But the difference is almost exactly 6°. Hence we must add, to the lesser, about 112 degrees, or 1⋅20°. And the total will be about 18⋅65°.

(4) Here the right-angled Triangle has, for its base, 312.

∴ the required base-angle has, for its tangent, (32÷72);i. e.37;

sin3=cos7=152; sin=352=nearly117,
= nearly 1717. Now 17=4⋅12&c. sin=⋅24&c.

Now sin1⋅2=11⋅53&c°.; and we must go about half-way to the next angle, viz. 17⋅45&c°. The difference is about 6°; ∴ we must add about 3°. Hence the answer is about 14⋅53°.

71. (18)

Let ABC be the given Triangle, and P the given Point.

A mathematical diagram as described in the text.

Bisect the sides of ABC at D, E, F; and join these Points.

First, let P be within the Triangle DEF.

Draw HG parallel to BC, so that its distance from BC may be double the distance of P from BC; join GP, HP, and produce them to meet BC in L, M. From L draw LK parallel to AC; join KP, and produce it to meet AC at N: join MN.

Because HG is parallel to LM,

GP=PL, and HP=PM;

KL is parallel to GN, and that LP=PG,

KP=PN; ∴ MN is parallel to HK.

Now the Triangles PGH, PLM, are equal in all respects;

GH=LM. Similarly KL=GN, and MN=HK.

If P lies on FE, HG and LM vanish, and the Hexagon becomes a Parallelogram.

If P lies at D, the Hexagon becomes the line BC.

If P lies outside the Triangle DEF, the Problem is insoluble. Q. E. F.

72. (18, 27)

We know that, if a bag contained 3 counters, 2 being black and one white, the chance of drawing a black one would be 23; and that any other state of things would not give this chance.

Now the chances, that the given bag contains (α) BB, (β) BW, (γ) WW, are respectively 14, 12, 14.

Add a black counter.

The the chances, that it contains (α) BBB, (β) BWB, (γ) WWB, are, as before, 14, 12, 14.

Hence the chance, of now drawing a black one, =14.1+12.23+14.13=23.

Hence the bag now contains BBW (since any other state of things would not give this chance).

Hence, before the black counter was added, it contained BW, i. e. one black counter and one white. Q. E. F.

  1. In the trigonometrical Problems, I have used the symbols and , to represent the words ‘sine’ and ‘cosine’.
  2. The numerals, placed in parentheses, indicate the pages where the corresponding matter may be found.