The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Fourth Paper on Logic

Source: printed 1886

Examples. Pairs of Premisses

1. No exciting books suit feverish patients;
Unexciting books make one drowsy.

2. Some, who deserve the fair, get their deserts;
None but the brave deserve the fair.

3. No children are patient;
No impatient person can sit still.

4. All pigs are fat;
No skeletons are fat.

5. No monkeys are soldiers;
All monkeys are mischievous.

6. None of my cousins are just;
No judges are unjust.

7. Some days are rainy;
Rainy days are tiresome.

8. All medicine is nasty;
Senna is a medicine.

9. Some Jews are rich;
All Kamschatgans are Gentiles.

10. All teetotalers like sugar;
No nightingale drinks wine.

11. No muffins are wholesome;
All buns are unwholesome.

12. No fat creatures run well;
Some greyhounds run well.

13. All soldiers march;
Some youths are not soldiers.

14. Sugar is sweet;
Salt is not sweet.

15. Some eggs are hard-boiled;
No eggs are uncrackable.

16. There are no Jews in the house;
There are no Gentiles in the garden.

17. All battles are noisy;
What makes no noise may escape notice.

18. No Jews are mad;
All Rabbis are Jews.

19. There are no fish that cannot swim;
Some skates are fish.

20. All passionate people are unreasonable;
Some orators are passionate.

21. Pain is wearisome;
No pain is eagerly wished for.

22. No bald person needs a hair-brush;
No lizards have hair.

23. All thoughtless people do mischief;
No thoughtful person forgets a promise.

24. I do not like John;
Some of my friends like John.

25. No potatoes are pine-apples;
All pine-apples are nice.

26. No pins are ambitious;
No needles are pins.

27. All my friends have colds;
No one can sing who has a cold.

28. All these dishes are well-cooked;
Some dishes are unwholesome if not well-cooked.

29. No medicine is nice;
Senna is a medicine.

30. Some oysters are silent;
No silent creatures are amusing.

31. All wise men walk on their feet;
All unwise men walk on their hands.

32. “Mind your own business;
This quarrel is no business of yours.”

33. No bridges are made of sugar;
Some bridges are picturesque.

34. No riddles interest me that can be solved;
All these riddles are insoluble.

35. John is industrious;
All industrious people are happy.

36. No frogs write books;
Some people use ink in writing books.

37. No pokers are soft;
All pillows are soft.

38. No antelope is ungraceful;
Graceful animals delight the eye.

39. Some uncles are ungenerous;
All merchants are generous.

40. No unhappy people chuckle;
No happy people groan.

41. Audible music causes vibration in the air;
Inaudible music is not worth paying for.

42. He gave me five pounds;
I was delighted.

43. No old Jews are fat millers;
All my friends are old millers.

44. Flour is good for food;
Oatmeal is a kind of flour.

45. Some dreams are terrible;
No lambs are terrible.

46. No rich man begs in the street;
All who are not rich should keep accounts.

47. No thieves are honest;
Some dishonest people are found out

48. All wasps are unfriendly;
All puppies are friendly.

49. All improbable stories are doubted;
None of these stories are probable.

50. “He told me you had gone away.”
“He never says one word of truth.”

[June, 1886.]