The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Arithmetical Formulæ and Rules

Source: printed 1870

for the Use of Candidates for Responsions

G. C. M.:—
(α) two numbers
divide greater by less, and divisor by remainder, and so on till there is no remainder. The last divisor is the G. C. M.
(β) three or more numbers
find G. C. M. of first two; then G. C. M. of answer and third number; and so on.
L. C. M.:—
(α) two numbersproduct divided by G. C. M.
(β) three or more numbers
divide out all primes which are factors of 2 or more of them; then multiply together remaining numbers and primes so divided out.
Vulgar Fractions:—
(α) to multiply by integermultiply numerator.
(β) to divide by integermultiply denominator.
(γ) to multiply by fraction
multiply numerators for new numerator, and denominators for new denominator.
(δ) to divide by fraction
invert divisor, and proceed as in multiplication.
Decimal Fractions:—
(α) to multiply together:—
(1) rule for multiplyingmultiply as in whole numbers.
(2) rule for pointing answer
mark off in answer so many decimal places as there are in all the factors together.
(β) to divide one by another:—
(1) rule for dividing
divide as in whole numbers, annexing ciphers to decimal part of dividend if necessary.
(2) rule for pointing answer:—
(a) if dividend has more decimal places than divisor
mark off in answer so many places as difference denotes.
(b) if as manyanswer is integer.
(c) if less
answer is integer; annex so many ciphers as difference denotes.
Circulating Decimals, to reduce to vulgar Fractions
for numerator, take to end of first circulating period, subtracting from it non-circulating period; for denominator, take so many nins, as there are figures that circulate, and so many ciphers as there are figures that do not.

Tables of Weights, &c.

Avoirdupois Weight:—

= 1 Dram (dr.)
16Drams = 1 Ounce (oz.)
16Ounces = 1 Pound (lb.)
28Pounds = 1 Quarter (qr.)
4Quarters = 1 Hundredweight (cwt.)
20Hundredweights = 1 Ton.

Troy Weight:—

= 1 Grain (gr.)
24Grains = 1 Pennyweight (dwt.)
20Pennyweights = 1 Ounce (oz.)
12Ounces = 1 Pound (lb.)

Apothecaries’ Weight:—

= 1 Grain (gr.)
20Grains = 1 Scruple (scr.) = 1 _
3Scruples = 1 Dram (dr.) = 1 _
8Drams = 1 Ounce (oz.) = 1 _
12Ounces = 1 Pound (lb.)

Miscellaneous Weight:—

14Pounds (Avoird.) = 1 Stone (st.)
7000Grains (Troy) = 1 Pound (Avoird.)
gr., oz., lb.are same in Troy and Apoth. Weight.


= 1 Barleycorn.
3Barleycorns = 1 Inch (in.)
12Inches = 1 Foot (ft.)
3Feet = 1 Yard (yd.)
220Yards = 1 Furlong.
8Furlongs, or}= 1 Mile (m.)
3Miles = 1 League.


= 1 Square Inch.
12×12Square Inches = 1 Square Foot.
3×3Square Feet = 1 Square Yard.
4840Square Yards = 1 Acre.
640Acres, or }= 1 Square Mile
1760×1760Square Yards

Solid Contents:—

= 1 Cubic Inch.
12×12×12Cubic Inches = 1 Cubic Foot.
3×3×3Cubic Feet = 1 Cubic Yard.

Miscellaneous Lengths:—

4Inches = 1 Hand.
2Yards, or }= 1 Fathom.
Yards = 1 Rod, Pole, or Perch.
40Poles = 1 Furlong.


if a:b::c:d,
values of a, b, c, d, each in terms of the other three, arebcd, adc, adb, bca.
Proportional parts: to divide a given number into parts which shall be proportional to certain other given numbers
divide by sum of given numbers and multiply by each separate.

Simple Interest, and Discount:—

let P= Principal, or Present value of future debt,
let T= Time (in years),
let R= Rate per cent,
let D= Interest on principal, or Discount on future debt,
let F= Future amount of Principal, or Future debt;
(α) Interest on £100=T×R.
(β) Amount of £100=£100+T×R.
(γ) formula connecting P, D, FP+D=F.
(δ) formula connecting P, T, R, Das £100:P::T×R:D.
(ε) formula connecting P, T, R, Fas £100:P::£100+T×R:F.

Compound Interest:—

given Principal, Time and Rate:
(α) to find Amount
find Amount of £1 in one year: multiply Principal by this so many times as there are years.
(β) Interest =Amount minus Principal.


let S= amount of Stock,
let R= Rate per cent.,
let Y= Yearly income,
let M= Market price of £100 Stock,
let C= Cash value of amount of Stock,
formula connecting theseas £100:S::R:Y::M:C