The (almost really) Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Notices to Correspondents (January 1882)

Source: The Monthly Packet, January 1882

‘a tangled tale’—answers to correspondents.—I beg to thank Balbus and Certain Friendly Spirits for their communications, and would entreat the latter to abandon their wish, and to make what allowance they can for the feelings of one to whom anything like personal publicity is absolutely distasteful. Digito monstrari, et dicier, Hic est,’ is doubtless desired, and even sought after, by many; but my wishes are all in the opposite direction, and I would prefer as my motto, Nec vixit malè, qui natus moriensque fefellit.’ (N.B.—I do not offer the Spirits any translation. In these days young ladies learn everything; and ‘everything’ includes Latin.)

Lewis Carroll