The number 142,857 does not at first sight appear to have anything odd about it, yet there are some strange things about it.
Let us multiply it by the numbers 2 to 7 and see the result.
142,857 by 2 is 285,714.
142,857 by 3 is 428,571.
142,857 by 4 is 571,428.
142,857 by 5 is 714,285.
142,857 by 6 is 857,142.
142,857 by 7 is 999,999.
The first five products, you will observe, are composed not only of the same figures, but of the same figures in the same order, though beginning with a different figure each time. And the strangest part of it all is that 142,857 multiplied by 7 is 999,999, but after that point the products lose their oddity.